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New member
The problem is you use that opinion to defend legalized abortion. Stress the word "OPINION". Since when is opinion a valid measure of whom should be allowed basic human rights, and whom should not? There are those, even today, who hold to the OPINION that blacks should not have human rights. If your opinion is valid for supporting legal abortion, why is their opinion not valid for supporting slavery?Somewhere around the 7 month age of the fetus, I'd say it's valued life. From that point on, it should be just as much valued as any other human being whether it's a 3 year old or a 30 year old. FROM THE POINT I LISTED, IT BECOMES VALUED LIFE AND REMAINS VALUED LIFE! STOP GOING AROUND IN CIRCLES WITH THAT LAME ARGUMENT BECAUSE I ALREADY TOLD YOU WHERE I THINK VALUED LIFE BEGINS!
Human history is chock full of examples of social opinion being used as justification for denying basic human rights to specified groups or classes of humans. How is the abortion debate different? It is the OPINION of pro-choice advocates that the unborn do not deserve human rights. (that is in those rare cases when they actually acknowledge scientific fact that a human zygote is human.) And the only defense for that opinion is based on developmental level. Yet there are multiple developmental levels recognized by biological science.
The brain of a newborn infant is NOT fully developed. It has a LONG way to go, as is evidenced by its lack of motor control among other traits. The brain of a toddler has gone a long way in developing, but still has lacking traits that cannot be simply attributed to lack of knowledge - it is the fact that the brain is still developing its physical structure.
The bottom line is pro-choice advocates (at least those who don't stubbornly cling to the common lies about the unborn not being human) place an arbitrary line in the sand and state, as if it were TRUTH handed them by some divine being "these humans do not deserve human rights." But that statement itself is opinion. When it comes to opinion about who deserves human rights, what makes pro-choice opinion correct, and pro-life opinion incorrect?