Abortion, Gay Rights, Iraq, Abortion, Gay Rights, Iraq...

It seems that every thread about every topic, somehow always evolves into a debate about Abortion, Gay Rights, or Iraq. Doesn't seem to matter what the topic starts out as, at some point, some pinhead is going to launch into an attack on Bush or fundamental christians, and turn it into a debate on one of these three issues.

Now, I realize these are three important issues, especially to pinheads, but why must every topic about every thing, be transformed into yet another debate with the same exact points and arguments, about the same exact things? Seems like everything has been covered about abortion, gay rights, and Iraq, in at least a few of the fifty-trillion posts on those subjects, why do you have to ruin other topics of debate with them?

I think it is a combination of two things... First, mental retardation of pinheads, they simply can't help themselves.... and secondly, they don't want to talk about any other issues. So when they encounter issues they don't want to discuss, or can't really discuss, they seek to change the debate into a debate on one of the 'three rails' of liberalist thinking.
no i didnt change anything. I think threedee might be a retard or something. I will be investigating this theory further.

Can other people please use the lux theme and tell damo, soc and me what you see?
∂˚;453772 said:
no i didnt change anything. I think threedee might be a retard or something. I will be investigating this theory further.

Can other people please use the lux theme and tell damo, soc and me what you see?

The screen is definitely considerably darker than the Part Trois Black. I found that only on the thread lists under a forum the contrasts between the gray symbols and black aren't as marked. Other colors show up well against the black, though.

Interestingly, the type in the quote and my reply in the reply box is a light gray (vs. white) and the background is a darker gray.
It seems that every thread about every topic, somehow always evolves into a debate about Abortion, Gay Rights, or Iraq. Doesn't seem to matter what the topic starts out as, at some point, some pinhead is going to launch into an attack on Bush or fundamental christians, and turn it into a debate on one of these three issues.

Now, I realize these are three important issues, especially to pinheads, but why must every topic about every thing, be transformed into yet another debate with the same exact points and arguments, about the same exact things? Seems like everything has been covered about abortion, gay rights, and Iraq, in at least a few of the fifty-trillion posts on those subjects, why do you have to ruin other topics of debate with them?

I think it is a combination of two things... First, mental retardation of pinheads, they simply can't help themselves.... and secondly, they don't want to talk about any other issues. So when they encounter issues they don't want to discuss, or can't really discuss, they seek to change the debate into a debate on one of the 'three rails' of liberalist thinking.

Well Dixie, when I was living down south they had a saying bout people like that. Guys who could only talk about two things. Watermelon and pussy. Problem is half the time it aint even watermelon season!