Abortion wasn't always taboo in America

So then you do support SNAP, S-Chip, free school lunches, and all the other children's assistance programs?

aren't they all in place?........have any of them been eliminated?.......have any even been cut?......personally I think its ridiculous that people earning $80,000 a year qualify for SNAP......don't you?.....
more lies.....

Total truth, actually.

You said yourself that you oppose government assistance programs. Those programs help children. You want to get rid of those programs, which means you want to hurt children.

Do you want to hurt children because you're a molester and that's what molesters do?

You wouldn't be the first super-religious person that molests kids. The entire Catholic Church exists on that. It's how they get men to be priests.
aren't they all in place?........have any of them been eliminated?.......have any even been cut?......personally I think its ridiculous that people earning $80,000 a year qualify for SNAP......don't you?.....


You said so yourself.

So you don't give a shit about children. You only care about molesting them, as you said:

I molest little kids

Your quote.
Total truth, actually.

You said yourself that you oppose government assistance programs. Those programs help children. You want to get rid of those programs, which means you want to hurt children.

Do you want to hurt children because you're a molester and that's what molesters do?

You wouldn't be the first super-religious person that molests kids. The entire Catholic Church exists on that. It's how they get men to be priests.

in the little time you have left here would you like to link to me saying I oppose government assistance programs?.....thanks.....act quickly.....your time here is limited.....
in the little time you have left here would you like to link to me saying I oppose government assistance programs?.....thanks.....act quickly.....your time here is limited.....

Wait - so now you're saying you don't oppose government assistance programs? What happened to your "personal responsibility" narrative that people should pay for their own kids, otherwise don't have sex? Or are your beliefs simply that fungible?
in the little time you have left here would you like to link to me saying I oppose government assistance programs?.....thanks.....act quickly.....your time here is limited.....

Guess what, man?

No ban is coming for me because all I did was the same thing you did; change what someone else said in a quote box. Both you and CFM have done that to me before. When I reported you, the mod said it wasn't against the rules. So get ready to say what you really want to say:

The reason I oppose aboriton is because I want there to be as many vulnerable children in the system as possible for me to prey upon in order to fulfill my deviant sexual desires

Wow. Yikes, man.
Wait - so now you're saying you don't oppose government assistance programs? What happened to your "personal responsibility" narrative that people should pay for their own kids, otherwise don't have sex? Or are your beliefs simply that fungible?

feel free to provide links that show you aren't lying......(as if that could happen).......
Guess what, man?

No ban is coming for me because all I did was the same thing you did; change what someone else said in a quote box. Both you and CFM have done that to me before. When I reported you, the mod said it wasn't against the rules. So get ready to say what you really want to say:

Wow. Yikes, man.

have you ever heard of rule 12b?......you've just broken it six times....
Christians justified slavery with the story of Ham.. That is SOME Christians.

Slavery? You mean like PRISON? Slavery is still "justified" under certain conditions.....but....just like Abortion, the terms have been redefined/reinvented by "SOME". Today you are not a slave of the state if you are convicted of a crime against humanity....you are a ward of the state, a prisoner, today its not a baby that gestates in a female womb, its a thing a fetus instead of a CHILD...hell, its not even alive according to the enablers of human sacrifices. Today, SCIENCE proves that LIFE exists from conception forward. And that life once conceived....is protected until its fully gestated, in the majority of states until its 18th birthdate....strange that while its gestating and dependent upon its mother in the womb it does not possess any right to life...but while its still dependent upon its parents for life after it leaves the magical vagina it suddenly becomes viable human life. Talk about logical contradictions...… its a magical vagina that defines life not SCIENCE.
Which is what they do. You demanding abortion be illegal deprives people of that choice, shithead. So why do you want to deny them that choice?

Remember, you said you opposed abortion. Which means you want to make it illegal. Which means you're taking away the choice for people to make.

It sounds to me like you think you pay for abortions now. You don't.

No they don't. If, as you claim, my OPPOSITION to abortion deprives someone of that choice, their SUPPORT of contraception being supplied to them mean they're demanding someone else foot the bill. You say free birth control yet nothing is free. Someone has to pay for it. If they're not, someone that isn't making the choice with their body is the one paying.

Opposing someting isn't the same as taking it away from them. Abortion is currently legal which means despite my opposition, it's still taking place. I'm opposed to social welfare because it's not one person's responsibility to take care of another unless the person voluntarily chooses to do so with THEIR money. Does that mean freeloaders aren't getting social welfare in the hundreds of billions of dollars each year?

Tax money, and I am a taxpayer, does pay for abortions in cases where health, incest, or rape is involved. The way you baby killers make it out, a much larger percentage of abortions are for those reasons than actually are yet it still involves taxpayers funding it.