
It's really shocking how disgustingly anti-Liberal you can seem to be. I mean, really, you'd kill the baby of a Democrat just to keep it from growing up to be a Democrat? That's scary and extremely shocking.
It's really shocking how disgustingly anti-Liberal you can seem to be. I mean, really, you'd kill the baby of a Democrat just to keep it from growing up to be a Democrat? That's scary and extremely shocking.
You've failed to see my position. It's not me who's killing the baby, but it's liberal parents. I fully support that, since its natural evolution and consistent with the liberal argument that abortion should be legal because its not a human if the kid can't survive by itself. An abandoned 5 year old is going to starve and die miserably so why not have the parents kill it mercifully by drilling a hole in its head and sucking the brains out?
SM is being facetious, and trolling Mott, in a vain attempt to trick a leftist into revealing its humanity. Its over the top, and doomed to fail, as leftists have abandoned their humanity over the issue of abortion.
I'm simply taking their argument to its logical conclusion and trying to see it with their perspective. Its evolution, so must be awesome.
Are you saying that liberals don't kill their young?
Nope. That's a complete strawman. Last I heard the clinics where they do abortions don't have a check list of

A - Female?

B - Pregnant?

C - Democrat or Republican? Oh, I'm sorry you're a Republican you can't have an abortion!

I mean it's a complete bullshit argument. I bet if you actually did statistics you'd find out that most of the women having abortions come from politically and socially conservative families who didn't bother to educate their daughters in birth control.

Using my family as an example. We've been extremelly liberal about sex education. My mother gave me a box of condoms when I was a teenager and they harped on me that if I wanted to have sex I'd better be prepared to raise a family. My aunts and uncles were equally as liberal.

Guess what? In the last two generations only no child in my entire extended family has been born out of wedlock in two generation an no one has ever had an abortion.

So truth be known, if you want to make a strawman argument out of it, it's probably a lot closer to the truth that that a lot more young women from conservative back grounds who have been kept ignorant of birth control and have not been provided a quality education in reproductive biology who are the ones having abortions.

That's why SM is such a huge hypocrit. Making abortion illegal won't stop them from happening. It will just make women criminals. What will reduce abortions is sex education and who are the most staunchest opponents of sex education? Reactionary wingnuts like SM.
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That's why SM is such a huge hypocrit. Making abortion illegal won't stop them from happening. It will just make women criminals. What will reduce abortions is sex education and who are the most staunchest opponents of sex education? Reactionary wingnuts like SM.
Dood you just don't get it' you must be retarded since you can't read. I'm for abortions. If liberals want to kill their young then so be it. :pke:
Nope. That's a complete strawman. Last I heard the clinics where they do abortions don't have a check list of

A - Female?

B - Pregnant?

C - Democrat or Republican? Oh, I'm sorry you're a Republican you can't have an abortion!

I mean it's a complete bullshit argument. I bet if you actually did statistics you'd find out that most of the women having abortions come from politically and socially conservative families who didn't bother to educate their daughters in birth control.

Using my family as an example. We've been extremelly liberal about sex education. My mother gave me a box of condoms when I was a teenager and they harped on me that if I wanted to have sex I'd better be prepared to raise a family. My aunts and uncles were equally as liberal.

Guess what? In the last two generations only no child in my entire extended family has been born out of wedlock in two generation an no one has ever had an abortion.

So truth be known, if you want to make a strawman argument out of it, it's probably a lot closer to the truth that that a lot more young women from conservative back grounds who have been kept ignorant of birth control and have not been provided a quality education in reproductive biology who are the ones having abortions.

That's why SM is such a huge hypocrit. Making abortion illegal won't stop them from happening. It will just make women criminals. What will reduce abortions is sex education and who are the most staunchest opponents of sex education? Reactionary wingnuts like SM.

Mott, the truth is that SM has been showing more and more liberal tendencies lately.
C would be a good idea, as I believe Republicans and conservatives should be held to a higher moral standard then leftists.
Well if you want to be a fool who falls for that kind of simple minded divide and conquer wedge issues that politicians love to manipulate the uninitiated and uninformed with be my guest. Go right ahead. Just don't come running to me when you get what you deserve! LOL
Well if you want to be a fool who falls for that kind of simple minded divide and conquer wedge issues that politicians love to manipulate the uninitiated and uninformed with be my guest. Go right ahead. Just don't come running to me when you get what you deserve! LOL

I guess this means you're not a fan of the first generation of Republicans, then...

Goddamn wedge issues like slavery and polygamy always distracted from the important things, like building railroads.
Dood you just don't get it' you must be retarded since you can't read. I'm for abortions. If liberals want to kill their young then so be it. :pke:
And you must not be able to read. It's mostly ignorant girls from conservative families, who have not been taught better, that are having the abortions. To bad their to stupid to teach their kids about birth control and what causes pregnancy so that they don't have to have abortions like liberal parents teach their kids.

You see it's the liberal women who are having abortions not for birth control, like uneducated girls from conservative families, but to save their lives or to prevent spending the rest of their life in a wheel chair due to a medical emergency but it sounds to me you get some sort of perverse pleasure from killing those women, huh?
I guess this means you're not a fan of the first generation of Republicans, then...

Goddamn wedge issues like slavery and polygamy always distracted from the important things, like building railroads.
Yea and look where it got us? Being lead into some of the stupidest wars like lambs to the slaughter.
And you must not be able to read. It's mostly ignorant girls from conservative families, who have not been taught better, that are having the abortions. To bad their to stupid to teach their kids about birth control and what causes pregnancy so that they don't have to have abortions like liberal parents teach their kids.

You see it's the liberal women who are having abortions not for birth control, like uneducated girls from conservative families, but to save their lives or to prevent spending the rest of their life in a wheel chair due to a medical emergency but it sounds to me you get some sort of perverse pleasure from killing those women, huh?

Having an abortion is as much about character as it is about circumstance. All the sex education in the world can't make a girl into a worthwhile human being.

Also, I was a sheltered child, but I didn't need the 4 straight years of sex ed to enlighten me that "safety first, lads," is more than just a British expression.
And you must not be able to read. It's mostly ignorant girls from conservative families, who have not been taught better, that are having the abortions. To bad their to stupid to teach their kids about birth control and what causes pregnancy so that they don't have to have abortions like liberal parents teach their kids.

You see it's the liberal women who are having abortions not for birth control, like uneducated girls from conservative families, but to save their lives or to prevent spending the rest of their life in a wheel chair due to a medical emergency but it sounds to me you get some sort of perverse pleasure from killing those women, huh?

You are so full of shit~~~ 97% of all abortions are for convenience...anyone, apart from victims of rape, who get preganant with an unwanted baby now-a-days is either stupid or careless or both.
And you must not be able to read. It's mostly ignorant girls from conservative families, who have not been taught better, that are having the abortions. To bad their to stupid to teach their kids about birth control and what causes pregnancy so that they don't have to have abortions like liberal parents teach their kids.

You see it's the liberal women who are having abortions not for birth control, like uneducated girls from conservative families, but to save their lives or to prevent spending the rest of their life in a wheel chair due to a medical emergency but it sounds to me you get some sort of perverse pleasure from killing those women, huh?