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To which enty do you refer?
Moi? Twisted? You been talking to my wife?
I've just seen too many atrocities committed in my lifetime by do-gooders to have any faith at all in your ability to prevent more atrocities committed in God's name. That's what this boils down to. How many will you have to murder to enforce compliance with your dogma?
No, stupid is assuming I don't believe in God. I do. Just not your version of God and I never speak for God. I figure He's big enough to fight His own battles. As long as we're on the subject...why does God need money?You keep wanting to make abortion about an entity you don't even believe in ...stupid.
Your opinion is that abortion kills a woman's kid, but that's OK with you 'cause it isn't "your kid".
My opinion is that it's not OK to deliberately kill an innocent matter its current location or who's kid it is. Children are not personal property to be destroyed or kept at whim...they are individules who should have rights of protection like every other person.
I base my opinion on the fact that it is ethically unjust to kill what even you acknowledge is "a kid".
You are one twisted up dude~~~
Moi? Twisted? You been talking to my wife?
I've just seen too many atrocities committed in my lifetime by do-gooders to have any faith at all in your ability to prevent more atrocities committed in God's name. That's what this boils down to. How many will you have to murder to enforce compliance with your dogma?