When asked about putting innocent people to death, you said:
“But innocent people ARE put to death every day on planet Earth.”
Keep up, Frank. This thread is only a couple pages long.
Reality: Innocent people are placed to death under the current system of jurisprudence....why? Because the system has strayed from the effective policy of putting only those to death who are convicted via objective testable evidences of FACT. As I suggested before.....no one should be sentenced to death on circumstantial evidences including evidences garnered via modern technologies such as fingerprint and DNA evidences, as both are subject to human manipulation and have proven to be laced with error in the past due to these reasons.
However.....the death penalty should always be on the table for anyone that has spilled the blood of the innocent in a premeditated fashion when and if there is no doubt as to the guilt..i.e., when the crime has been directly witnessed by 3 or more individuals with no connection to the defendant....or when there is a plea of guilty along with overwhelming circumstantial evidences. There should be no appeal for the guilty, the punishment should be carried out as soon as possible to insure justice for both the state and those touched by such violence.
The death penalty is endorsed by Christianity as it was God who introduced the Justice of Blood for Blood (Genesis 9:5,6). Such justice is carried forth into the new testament of Christ (Romans 13:3,4). The only thing that I can add is the situation today where murderers are protected by what the seculars call LAW.....its a sad state when the government endorses abortion on demand and euthanasia (state endorsed suicide). If true justice were carried out any physicians taking the life of any child, unborn or born.....they alone with the mother should be subject to the death penalty.....there is nothing more innocent than the blood of a child, whose only crime is a crime of societal inconvenience.