When asked about putting innocent people to death, you said:

“But innocent people ARE put to death every day on planet Earth.”

Keep up, Frank. This thread is only a couple pages long.

Reality: Innocent people are placed to death under the current system of jurisprudence....why? Because the system has strayed from the effective policy of putting only those to death who are convicted via objective testable evidences of FACT. As I suggested before.....no one should be sentenced to death on circumstantial evidences including evidences garnered via modern technologies such as fingerprint and DNA evidences, as both are subject to human manipulation and have proven to be laced with error in the past due to these reasons.

However.....the death penalty should always be on the table for anyone that has spilled the blood of the innocent in a premeditated fashion when and if there is no doubt as to the guilt..i.e., when the crime has been directly witnessed by 3 or more individuals with no connection to the defendant....or when there is a plea of guilty along with overwhelming circumstantial evidences. There should be no appeal for the guilty, the punishment should be carried out as soon as possible to insure justice for both the state and those touched by such violence.

The death penalty is endorsed by Christianity as it was God who introduced the Justice of Blood for Blood (Genesis 9:5,6). Such justice is carried forth into the new testament of Christ (Romans 13:3,4). The only thing that I can add is the situation today where murderers are protected by what the seculars call LAW.....its a sad state when the government endorses abortion on demand and euthanasia (state endorsed suicide). If true justice were carried out any physicians taking the life of any child, unborn or born.....they alone with the mother should be subject to the death penalty.....there is nothing more innocent than the blood of a child, whose only crime is a crime of societal inconvenience.
Reality: Innocent people are placed to death under the current system of jurisprudence....why? Because the system has strayed from the effective policy of putting only those to death who are convicted via objective testable evidences of FACT. As I suggested before.....no one should be sentenced to death on circumstantial evidences including evidences garnered via modern technologies such as fingerprint and DNA evidences, as both are subject to human manipulation and have proven to be laced with error in the past due to these reasons.

However.....the death penalty should always be on the table for anyone that has spilled the blood of the innocent in a premeditated fashion when and if there is no doubt as to the guilt..i.e., when the crime has been directly witnessed by 3 or more individuals with no connection to the defendant....or when there is a plea of guilty along with overwhelming circumstantial evidences. There should be no appeal for the guilty, the punishment should be carried out as soon as possible to insure justice for both the state and those touched by such violence.

The death penalty is endorsed by Christianity as it was God who introduced the Justice of Blood for Blood (Genesis 9:5,6). Such justice is carried forth into the new testament of Christ (Romans 13:3,4). The only thing that I can add is the situation today where murderers are protected by what the seculars call LAW.....its a sad state when the government endorses abortion on demand and euthanasia (state endorsed suicide). If true justice were carried out any physicians taking the life of any child, unborn or born.....they alone with the mother should be subject to the death penalty.

Fuck you and your holy book, Ralphie. It has no place in our legal system.

Fuck you and your abortion bullshit, Ralphie. This thread is about capital punishment in our legal system. Start another thread if you want to talk about that.
Fuck you and your holy book, Ralphie. It has no place in our legal system.

Fuck you and your abortion bullshit, Ralphie. This thread is about capital punishment in our legal system. Start another thread if you want to talk about that.

Imagine that......no open bigotry here by someone professing LIBERALISM. And to suggest that Christianity has no place in our legal system when our entire system of jurisprudence is based upon a Judeo/Christian philosophy is typical for an ignorant secular who does not comprehend history actual or Christianity at its source. ;) The left eyeball gang.

Lastly: If you don't want to know the answer....don't ask the question. Some individuals are simply to intelligent to chase your rabbits down a never ending circular hole.
Imagine that......no open bigotry here by someone professing LIBERALISM. And to suggest that Christianity has no place in our legal system when our entire system of jurisprudence is based upon a Judeo/Christian philosophy is typical for an ignorant secular who does not comprehend history actual or Christianity at its source. ;) The left eyeball gang.

Lastly: If you don't want to know the answer....don't ask the question. Some individuals are simply to intelligent to chase your rabbits down a never ending circular hole.

Go to court and quote your holy book as a defense, Ralphie. See how far that gets you.

I know more about the legal system than you will ever know, so don’t spout your bullshit on what it’s based upon. Law is secular, asswipe, whether you wish it to be or not.

What question were you referring to, drunkard?
Why can’t you answer the direct question?

Nothing is perfect in this world. Including criminal convictions. So, for the death penalty proponents, there has to be an acceptable error level. What is yours? Are you willing to kill 1 innocent to get the other 99 guilty?

Good for you on what you consider. When YOU get sentenced to more than 10 years, ask them to kill you. But this isn’t about you, is it?

That’s where you and I will always disagree. It is NEVER acceptable to put an innocent person to death. A life sentence, one can correct errors. There are no do-overs with the death penalty.

I agree. On this issue, we disagree.

Anything else?
When asked about putting innocent people to death, you said:

“But innocent people ARE put to death every day on planet Earth.”

Keep up, Frank. This thread is only a couple pages long.


And they are.

Do you doubt it?
Oh, I dunno, Frank. Because it’s irrelevant?

Then just ignore it.

What is your problem.

We have an issue here. You are on one side of the issue...and I on the other.

Live with that. It happens. Don't let it upset you so.
Then just ignore it.

What is your problem.

We have an issue here. You are on one side of the issue...and I on the other.

Live with that. It happens. Don't let it upset you so.

Frankie, my man. You wanted input on our government’s use of capital punishment and then make some irrelevant statement about “well, it happens all over the world”, when talking about innocent people being put to death.

If you want to have a serious discussion, let’s do it. But don’t throw a bunch of peripheral bullshit in and act like you’re surprised when somebody calls you on it.
Frankie, my man. You wanted input on our government’s use of capital punishment and then make some irrelevant statement about “well, it happens all over the world”, when talking about innocent people being put to death.

If you want to have a serious discussion, let’s do it. But don’t throw a bunch of peripheral bullshit in and act like you’re surprised when somebody calls you on it.

Domer...you apparently have a problem with people who do not march in lock step with your sense of morality.

That is your problem...not mine. I am NOT in lock step with YOUR morality.

As far as I am concerned, putting a person in prison for the rest of his/her life without the possibility of parole (the usual alternative to capital punishment)...is so barbaric, I have trouble understanding why people like you actually support it and then have the nerve to cast aspersions on people who see it for the unconscionable barbarism that it is.

Now, I laid out my reasons for feeling as I do in great detail in the OP.

If you disagree with my reasoning...fine. We agree! You disagree with me.

But if you want to trot out that "if you want to have a serious discussion" crap...do it with someone else, because you bore me.

If, on the other hand, you actually want to discuss...rather than parade YOUR morality as the standard everyone else should meet....clean up your posts and start all over again.

Go to court and quote your holy book as a defense, Ralphie. See how far that gets you.

I know more about the legal system than you will ever know, so don’t spout your bullshit on what it’s based upon. Law is secular, asswipe, whether you wish it to be or not.

What question were you referring to, drunkard?

Right.....its not like the first thing you declare is, ".....I swear to tell the truth, SO HELP ME GOD." :laugh: Its not like the federal government has rules established by the laws found to exist in the Judeo/Christian philosophy. Example: Simply look at Article One Section 7 with the US Constitution recognition of the "Sabbath" where it is very clearly stipulated that the President of the United States has 10 days to sign a ratified law into existence (excluding Sundays.....why exclude Sunday?)

Before you attempt to lamely claim...what you think this exception means in unambiguous text allow a Supreme Court decision from the state of Mo. to explain (the state of Mo. basically copied its clause form the US CONSTITUTION).....1912, the court declared thus in relation to excluding SUNDAY'S from Government schedules, "It is that if the Governor does not sign a law within 10 days (Sunday's excepted) it shall become law without his signature......can anyone deny that it contains a recognition of the LORD'S DAY as a day exempted by law from worldly labors?............(the decision further states such).........THE FRAMERS OF THE CONSITUTION RECOGNIZED SUDAY AS A DAY TO BE OBSERVED, ACTING THEMSELVES UNDER A LAW EXACTED A COMPLUSIVE OBERSERVANCE OF IT........."

More history actual: In 1950 the SUPREME COURT OF MISSISSIPPI decided, "The Sunday laws have a DIVINE ORIGIN........."

All of these court opinions came from the precedent established by US supreme court Justice John Jay, who declared, "There were several DIVINE, positive ordinances .....of universal obligations, as THE SABBATH.

In FACT all the 10 commandments of God are found throughout our STATE CONSTITUTIONS and Common Laws, there is not one state constitution that does not reference God in some form or fashion.

One question....if God has nothing to do with the US RULE OF LAW.....why does the US Constitution end as such...."Done in convention by the unanimous consent of THE STATES present the 17th day of September IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD......."?
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The important thing is that legislators should be expected to consult their consciences rather than the prejudice of the ignorant electors. Here, together with some dreadful miscarriages of justice, that soon led to a change-over to sensible thinking.