Exactly, and the list goes on and on... But I contend that most religions are based in the idea of some mythic certainty that doesn't seem to exist.
Which is their great failing
Exactly, and the list goes on and on... But I contend that most religions are based in the idea of some mythic certainty that doesn't seem to exist.
Because of the limits of human language, one would always have to add caveats and qualifiers to mathmatical concepts.
The Pythagorean theorem only works in Euclidian space.
The speed of light varies depending on the matrix it travels through.
Quantum foam is perhaps mathematically a violation of the conservation of energy, but at time scales greater than Planck time it does not constitute an actual violation.
Newtonian and relativistic gravitational laws work for every satellite, rocket, or probe we have ever launched, but our knowledge of physics ends when time and density approach that of a singularity or a black hole. Gravity may be a force leaking into our universe from spatial dimensions we cannot percieve.
Well, I am on Team Plato and Team Thomas Jefferson when it comes to natural law. I do believe there are universal laws and categorical moral imperatives when it comes to human nature.Exactly, and the list goes on and on... But I contend that most religions are based in the idea of some mythic certainty that doesn't seem to exist.
IT seemed that way for the last 7 years, but now?
Well, I am on Team Plato and Team Thomas Jefferson when it comes to natural law. I do believe there are universal laws and categorical moral imperatives when it comes to human nature.
The fact that the trajectory of all major world religions have independently bend towards basically the same core of moral imperatives, within a margin of error, suggests to me that by virtue of being human we inuit a type of universal natural law.
Trumptardation is a plague that swept across America in epidemic proportion.
While some have realized that Trump is a Danger to our Country and are ready to move on from him, there are still 32% of Americans that can't put him in the past, and still wants him to be their leader.
Recent polls in the middle of December indicate that Donald Trump still has a 32% approval rating!
I think its still dropping lower than 32%, given more time. For thousands of years, the mob has always contained people like Trumppers, they are dangerous when they get a foothold.
These recent polls are an eye-popping awareness!
It finally happened, and now the "Former Trumppers" get all upset and whinny if his name is even mentioned.
But, it’s inevitable. Humans can not escape the final outcome, you may avoid it for awhile, but not forever.Maybe, but it is a moving target at times. People are brought back from death if you use traditional methods of determining when death occurs. Years ago that football player would have been consider "dead" when his heart stopped beating and respiration ceased to occur... Now he is "alive" after having his heart restarted and with the use of a respirator.
But, it’s inevitable. Humans can not escape the final outcome, you may avoid it for awhile, but not forever.
It’s going to be a very long time before that happens, if ever.I agree that it currently seems that way. But time changes just about everything.
Kindness to your fellow man
A rule you NEVER follow cum gobbler. Shut the fuck up. Go lick your mother's balls.
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
Everything is effected by everything it seems
I think there are universal myths, but due to evolution I do not agree in universal natural law. Everything changes given enough time, even humanity. One day our race will no longer be recognized as "human" but categorized as something new, just like there are no longer Neanderthals... there will no longer be humans. We will be the ancestors of what comes next.
Just the facts, manThank you, Ms. Morbid.![]()
For humans, the overall historical trajectory has been bending inexorably towards more freedom, more equality, more justice, more fairness, even if humanity takes detours away from that trajectory. That has been the trend for thousands of years.
I think that says something fundamental and profound universally about humans.
Primates living a million years from now won't have the same moral imperatives as Homo sapiens, and Einstein's field equations do not work at the heart of a black hole or singularity.
I still see them as universal truths for humanity, or universal mathematical laws at the scale of the cosmos.
You say at the scale of the cosmos, but without limitation, it is not an absolute.