

Independent Thinker
It baffles me why the left spends so much time attacking abstinence. What's wrong with abstinence? There's obviously no better way to prevent the spread of STDs, and besides that, high school kids shouldn't be having sex anyway. It creates waaaay too much drama, depression, teen pregnancy, and a host of other issues.

Teaching safe sex is fine and well, and it most certainly should be taught (because the fact is, teens are always going to fuck), but abstinence should be emphasized above all else. The question is, why do liberals so often object to this approach? Seriously, what the hell is the matter with you people?
It baffles me why the left spends so much time attacking abstinence. What's wrong with abstinence? There's obviously no better way to prevent the spread of STDs, and besides that, high school kids shouldn't be having sex anyway. It creates waaaay too much drama, depression, teen pregnancy, and a host of other issues.

Teaching safe sex is fine and well, and it most certainly should be taught (because the fact is, teens are always going to fuck), but abstinence should be emphasized above all else. The question is, why do liberals so often object to this approach? Seriously, what the hell is the matter with you people?

Its not part of their lifestyle.
most of the problem stems from the fact that many conservatives and the religious right support abstinence ONLY education. Which is flawed and results in uneducated teens having sex without using protection etc. I read an article (where if you force my hand i can google it for you) that some of these programs were actually teaching that condoms help SPREAD std's.

The other issue is the motivations of those that are advocating abstinence/abstinence only education. I.e. an agenda to make kids conform to idiotic religious values like "saving yourself for marriage."
I didn't practice it, did you?

One can only be realistic.

It isn't that it isn't a good thing, it just isn't life and wasn't meant to be.

Sex is good, teach your children to respect themselves and no pregnancies, no STDs, no other problems! Four children, all doing just wonderful!
I didn't practice it, did you?

One can only be realistic.

It isn't that it isn't a good thing, it just isn't life and wasn't meant to be.

Sex is good, teach your children to respect themselves and no pregnancies, no STDs, no other problems! Four children, all doing just wonderful!

It doesn't really take a rocket scientist. I understood all this before the sex ed began, and its not an understanding I received from parents or anything. But I mean, kids still smoke cigarettes despite how much of a stigma they have received in my lifetime. They have literally gone from Joe Camel Cool to Your A Fucking Retard, and young people still use them. It is self-discipline and character more than anything else, neither of which can be taught. As Rob Roy said, "your honor is something you have and that no man can take from you."
Amen! Good post

Honestly, the only thing I got out of sex ed was a rudimentary understanding of biology (which I'll never need since I'm not going to be a doctor) of the male and female reproductive tracts. I had bizarre class conversations about the heimlein, clitoris, vas deferens, and the fact that there are compounds of sugar in semen - and we had fun making all sorts of jokes about these things...
Honestly, the only thing I got out of sex ed was a rudimentary understanding of biology (which I'll never need since I'm not going to be a doctor) of the male and female reproductive tracts. I had bizarre class conversations about the heimlein, clitoris, vas deferens, and the fact that there are compounds of sugar in semen - and we had fun making all sorts of jokes about these things...

Haha... man, I had a 87 year old nun teaching our sex ed class Freshman year.
LOL I had a 20-something hottie. She got married to another teacher a couple years later, and her name became Goened!

Damn, that must have been nice. When an 87 year old woman named Sister Mary Louis Cary tells you about sex it's not all that appealing (no offense Sister)!
Damn, that must have been nice. When an 87 year old woman named Sister Mary Louis Cary tells you about sex it's not all that appealing (no offense Sister)!

Damn, when I was 12 an older girl in my class told me the details and I didn't believe her. :o
LOL I have a similiar anecdote. I had this real hot red head Algebar teacher and, I kid you not, her name was "Miss Bang"! LOL

Good try gentlemen but it all pales into insignificance when compared to my primary school cooking teacher, Miss Soapytitwank-N'Blowjob. I think she was half German, half Ivorian. Lovely baps as i recall.

Read it and weep, losers.
It baffles me why the left spends so much time attacking abstinence. What's wrong with abstinence? There's obviously no better way to prevent the spread of STDs, and besides that, high school kids shouldn't be having sex anyway. It creates waaaay too much drama, depression, teen pregnancy, and a host of other issues.

Teaching safe sex is fine and well, and it most certainly should be taught (because the fact is, teens are always going to fuck), but abstinence should be emphasized above all else. The question is, why do liberals so often object to this approach? Seriously, what the hell is the matter with you people?

Its part of the vile indoctrination of our children into lack of responsibility and self control- in other words: liberalism.
LOL I have a similiar anecdote. I had this real hot red head Algebar teacher and, I kid you not, her name was "Miss Bang"! LOL

Mine admitted to being conceived in the backseat of a car to drunken parents... Her name was only Robbins, though, until she got married. I'm sure it broke a lot of guy's hearts.
I didn't practice it, did you?

Throughout high school, yes.

One can only be realistic.

It isn't that it isn't a good thing, it just isn't life and wasn't meant to be.

If what you claim were actually true, no teens would practice abstinence. That simply isn't the case. Millions of teens choose to abstain until they are grown adults capable of making reasonable decisions, and they are better off for it.

Sex is good, teach your children to respect themselves and no pregnancies, no STDs, no other problems! Four children, all doing just wonderful!

The problem is, even "safe sex" doesn't stop the spread of STDs. One of my friends got HPV despite practicing "safe sex", because all that is required for HPV to spread is skin contact. Certainly, I am by no means arguing that safe sex should not be taught. It should however be secondary to abstinence, because abstinence is the ONLY 100% effective way to prevent pregnancy, disease, etc. You cannot argue otherwise.
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