
All those who espouse abstinance only should practice it for life to avoid STD's.

That's not the answer, smart ass. More like, don't be a fucking whore. If people were even choosy in who they had sex with, the spread of STDs would dramatically decrease. And if people had sex only within committed relationships (ideally marriage), STDs would drop off the radar. Abstinence is a value that schools should be teaching. Safe sex should also be taught, but only second to abstinence. If you disagree, you are a Kool-Aid drinker and likely a slut. Have a good day.
That's not the answer, smart ass. More like, don't be a fucking whore. If people were even choosy in who they had sex with, the spread of STDs would dramatically decrease. And if people had sex only within committed relationships (ideally marriage), STDs would drop off the radar. Abstinence is a value that schools should be teaching. Safe sex should also be taught, but only second to abstinence. If you disagree, you are a Kool-Aid drinker and likely a slut. Have a good day.

Of course no STD's are passed on by birth.
And everyone you marry will have practiced abstinance only too?

Does Barney and Big Bird live in your reality?

I do go for STD testing before marriage so both parties know what they are getting into.
Of course no STD's are passed on by birth.
And everyone you marry will have practiced abstinance only too?

Does Barney and Big Bird live in your reality?

I'm in my late twenties, and I've had sex with three women in my lifetime. I've dated other women who wanted me to have sex with them, but I declined. In other words, I am choosy in who I sleep with. This is called self-control, a concept foreign to primitive creatures such as yourself. You go right ahead and backtrack 100,000 years on the evolutionary chart. I choose not to.

I am by no means suggesting that we can eliminate STDs. We can however significantly decrease the spread of the diseases. And FYI, STDs are rarely passed on via birth.
Which stand for Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDS) and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIS)
Definition of STD or What is an STD?

An std is short for, defined as, a sexually transmitted disease. But what is a sexually transmitted disease? Properly defined, an STD is a virus, fungi, bacteria or parasite that can be spread through sexual acts.

It is vitally important to realise that most STDs can be spread WITHOUT any sexual contact at all. Some STD's can be picked up from used towels, some, like fungi STDs, exist in everyones bodies already but don't cause trouble until they start growing.

So don't assume your sexual partner has been unfaithful.

These 26 STDs carry the tag sexually transmitted, because they MAY be spread that way.

How common are Stds for You

As stated, there are masses of people with STDs. How many? Well, accordng to cdc.gov, the number in the USA is over 45 million people aged from 12 years and up, are infected with genital herpes alone - that alone means that out every five people you see walking down the street that are over 12 years of age, one of them has genital herpes.

Think about it, in the course of a day, how many people do you pass on the street? AND that's just genital herpes we are talking about. There are actually around 26 STDs, of which herpes is just one.

Of course the sexually riskier the environment, eg church versus a singles bar, the higher the incidence of STDS there will be there. Your chance of going with someone and getting an STD is increased - that's just common logic.

Worldwide, we are talking about 500 million people, with 20 million more added each year, again this is for genital herpes alone.

Pregnancy and STDs

All STDs can be passed on to children either while in the womb or during birth.

Most are passed on during birth as Mom and baby don't fully share a circulatory system.

Some STDs such as syphilis and HIV can get through the placental barrier to infect the baby before birth.

HIV can even be passed through breast milk, but fortunately most other STDs can't.

No shit, Sherlock. I never said we could eradicate STDs via abstinence. What I said is that we as a society can dramatically decrease the infection rate by not whoring around. It's a simple concept, really. The infection rate of AIDS/HIV in parts of Africa exceeds 30%, despite spending billions of taxpayer dollars on safe sex education. It isn't working.
It's a simple concept, really. The infection rate of AIDS/HIV in parts of Africa exceeds 30%, despite spending billions of taxpayer dollars on safe sex education.

Spending billions of taxpayer dollars on safe sex education in Africa? I'm not sure what you're even trying to say here. Maybe they sent Ms. Goenez up to the Swahili tribe?

It isn't working.

And abstinence only education won't work even more. Abstinence blows. Condoms prevent STD's 99% of the time; I'm sorry, I'll take my fucking chances, and the prudes can blow me.