Absurdities & Hypocrisy


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Absurdities and hypocrisy.

Donald Trump is responsible for the unworkable bombs sent to the Democrat politicians and other leftist. Donald Trump is responsible for the mindless murders of Jews in Pittsburgh. Surely we all know that Donald Trump’s violent hate filled rhetoric is why we’re experiencing all of this violence. That’s what the Democrat politicians and their mindless propaganda machine CNN, MSNBC, The View,
Hollywood and the rest of leftist nationwide believe their base followers will swallow. They believe their base are mindless morons who will believe any stupid lie they want to perpetrate.

We watched them, (the left), attempt to politically crucify a Supreme Court judge without a dime’s worth of corroborated evidence. We watched them encourage the base to be uncivil to the opposition, to kick them, to harass them, get in their face at restaurants markets and gas stations. We’ve watched them publically present a picture of Donald Trump’s severed head dripping blood., We’ve seen the Hollywood elite opine about punching Donald Trump in the face and blowing up the White House. We’ve seen Obama’s vice president claim he wants to take Donald Trump behind the barn and kick his ass. We’ve seen the NY Times survey their readers for ways to assassinate Donald Trump. And these are the hypocrites that want to preach to the public about civility, hatred and violence and the rhetoric of Donald Trump. Compared to them, Donald Trump’s rhetoric is saintly!

That’s why I never voted for a Democrat in my life and never will.
Trump has spent 3 years stirring up hate and anger. Trump did not mail the bomb or shoot up the synagogue. He sure made those who hate feel more mainstream. Perhaps he has thrown open the door and shown us how many violent haters exist in America.We were better off when they felt it was better to keep their hate and anger private. Trump is a divider who has calculted that he can win with the haters, the angry and the wealthy. I hope he isn't right.
Trump has spent 3 years stirring up hate and anger.

Is that so? Why don't you post some of his quotes where he even suggested violence to anybody except when his rally was attacked by screaming leftist shouting obscenities at him and his followers?

Trump did not mail the bomb or shoot up the synagogue. He sure made those who hate feel more mainstream.

You're gonna prove that with substance instead of accusations and unverifiable rhetoric, right?

Perhaps he has thrown open the door and shown us how many violent haters exist in America.

You mean he's uncovered and exposed the leftist Democrat haters simply by getting elected, huh?

We were better off when they felt it was better to keep their hate and anger private.

Doesn't matter! Most of us knew all along about the alleged "compassionate party." We knew all along that you hated blacks. We've known you're the perpetrators of slavery and the mob that keeps the blacks in the ghetto slave quarters and reliant on their government task masters. We've known all along that your political leaders are just socialist whack jobs looking to enslave all of America to Giant socialist government.

Trump is a divider who has calculted that he can win with the haters, the angry and the wealthy. I hope he isn't right.

Sure! that's why he's managed to lower black and Hispanic unemployment to it's lowest level in history, he's a "divider" and hate perpetrator. He's all but wiped out ISIS and made America safer because he's a "divider." He's brought business and jobs back to America because he's working hard to divide America's working people.

The only people Trump's divided and inspired their hatred is those low-life scum on the left that can't stand the "FACT" that Trump is making America respected and great and working again. If we wanta see "HATE" we just look left. We watch CNN, MSNBC, Hollywood scumbags, late night NOT funny scum and Democrats politicians. That's where the hate is. That's the only folks Trump has divided from the real Americans.
Trump hate speech at rallies has been posted many times. We all know Trump stirs the worst parts of people's nature. He also harmonizes with horrible haters like the guy who sent 14 bombs and the white powers thugs and Nazis. Sayoc is a regular Trumpette. He swallowed all the crap the dangerous Trump threw out.
Robo are you honestly too stupid to understand the dangers that Trump presents?Or are you just a Trumpette who will lie over and over to cover up the facts? Trump is stirring up people , many at the point of ther fears, like those terrible Latinos who want to kill you in your sleep.
Trump seeks to destroy the press and ignore the constitution, which is just an inconvenience to him.
I am sure there is good people on both sides. He cant be my judge, he is Mexican. "Oh, look at my African-American over here. Look at him," Trump said. "Are you the greatest?"...and the list goes on and on. Trump has made bigotry cool again.
Absurdities and hypocrisy.

Donald Trump is responsible for the unworkable bombs sent to the Democrat politicians and other leftist. Donald Trump is responsible for the mindless murders of Jews in Pittsburgh. Surely we all know that Donald Trump’s violent hate filled rhetoric is why we’re experiencing all of this violence. That’s what the Democrat politicians and their mindless propaganda machine CNN, MSNBC, The View,
Hollywood and the rest of leftist nationwide believe their base followers will swallow. They believe their base are mindless morons who will believe any stupid lie they want to perpetrate.

We watched them, (the left), attempt to politically crucify a Supreme Court judge without a dime’s worth of corroborated evidence. We watched them encourage the base to be uncivil to the opposition, to kick them, to harass them, get in their face at restaurants markets and gas stations. We’ve watched them publically present a picture of Donald Trump’s severed head dripping blood., We’ve seen the Hollywood elite opine about punching Donald Trump in the face and blowing up the White House. We’ve seen Obama’s vice president claim he wants to take Donald Trump behind the barn and kick his ass. We’ve seen the NY Times survey their readers for ways to assassinate Donald Trump. And these are the hypocrites that want to preach to the public about civility, hatred and violence and the rhetoric of Donald Trump. Compared to them, Donald Trump’s rhetoric is saintly!

That’s why I never voted for a Democrat in my life and never will.

It is rather amazing in a nation that prides itself on a preamble that recognizes all people as equal that we now have a president who uses the 'hate' of immigrants as his major policy platform and it works its magic on the minds of the so called Christians and others who pretend religious charity. Proves one thing to anyone who thinks, people are insincere in so many of their assumed moral stances. Give someone an enemy and you got em in your pocket.

We hold these truths to be kinda self-evident, that all men (this includes women, gays, trans, etc) are not equal, that some should not be treated fairly or even acknowledged as people, especially if they were endowed by their Creator or genetics with gayness or brownness or some other differentness in our eyes, that among these qualities are lots of potential reasons to deny them any rights or service until it is determined in our pursuit of our Happiness, bigotry and our ideological framework of justice that it fits our narrow minded existence. So be it saith draft dodger Donnie of bad feet.

'Fourteenth Amendment, amendment (1868) to the Constitution of the United States that granted citizenship and equal civil and legal rights to African Americans and slaves who had been emancipated after the American Civil War, including them under the umbrella phrase “all persons born or naturalized in the United States.

"If the concept of God has any validity or any use, it can only be to make us larger, freer, and more loving. If God cannot do this, then it is time we got rid of Him." James Baldwin, 'The Fire Next Time'
Absurdities and hypocrisy.

Donald Trump is responsible for the unworkable bombs sent to the Democrat politicians and other leftist. Donald Trump is responsible for the mindless murders of Jews in Pittsburgh. Surely we all know that Donald Trump’s violent hate filled rhetoric is why we’re experiencing all of this violence. That’s what the Democrat politicians and their mindless propaganda machine CNN, MSNBC, The View,
Hollywood and the rest of leftist nationwide believe their base followers will swallow. They believe their base are mindless morons who will believe any stupid lie they want to perpetrate.

We watched them, (the left), attempt to politically crucify a Supreme Court judge without a dime’s worth of corroborated evidence. We watched them encourage the base to be uncivil to the opposition, to kick them, to harass them, get in their face at restaurants markets and gas stations. We’ve watched them publically present a picture of Donald Trump’s severed head dripping blood., We’ve seen the Hollywood elite opine about punching Donald Trump in the face and blowing up the White House. We’ve seen Obama’s vice president claim he wants to take Donald Trump behind the barn and kick his ass. We’ve seen the NY Times survey their readers for ways to assassinate Donald Trump. And these are the hypocrites that want to preach to the public about civility, hatred and violence and the rhetoric of Donald Trump. Compared to them, Donald Trump’s rhetoric is saintly!

That’s why I never voted for a Democrat in my life and never will.

Strange how the mentally, and morally, defective seem to transport themselves to the right wing of society.

Trump lies everyday about everything, everyone, and just his breathing is a lie. He praises dictators. Foments hatred for people of other shades of color. Praises a congress critter for body slamming a reporter. Praises White Supremacists. But hey, that is not dividing the country, inciting violence, or hatred.

Maxine Waters makes a single truthful, but obnoxious, comment, and the right comes unglued, and blames the left for the ills of the country.

And it is the left that are "mindless".

Your at it again.
Obama created just as much division as any other president.

He create a division between black v. white. Remember Ferguson.
He created a division between Americans and illegals. We have 16% of Americans in poverty yet we spent billions on illegals.

If your going to make a stupid statement that political rhetoric is the driving force to these mass shootings than what can you say about Max Waters who openly endorses harassment. What about the political rhetoric of Hillary and others.
How many mass shootings during Obama years?

11 people were killed in Pittsburgh which was a tragedy
The first weekend in August there were 72 shot and 13 dead in Chicago.
To date 457 have died in Chicago this year
In the last three years 1,857 have died.
In the last 60 years 39,000 homicides.

Nordick get a brain. Do some homework.

Your at it again.
Obama created just as much division as any other president.

He create a division between black v. white. Remember Ferguson.
He created a division between Americans and illegals. We have 16% of Americans in poverty yet we spent billions on illegals.

If your going to make a stupid statement that political rhetoric is the driving force to these mass shootings than what can you say about Max Waters who openly endorses harassment. What about the political rhetoric of Hillary and others.
How many mass shootings during Obama years?

11 people were killed in Pittsburgh which was a tragedy
The first weekend in August there were 72 shot and 13 dead in Chicago.
To date 457 have died in Chicago this year
In the last three years 1,857 have died.
In the last 60 years 39,000 homicides.

Nordick get a brain. Do some homework.

Obama did nothing of the sort. He responded to the hate and actions by people like you.
Waters did not create that kind of actions. One of them, guess who, is the president and has an enormous audience of haters. Can you check out which one that is? Do some homework.
Look at that van. Read his online statements. He was an avowed Trumplestilskin and you are flat out wrong. TRump has been shoveling coal into that engine of hate his whole life.
Bull shit. He insighted the riots in Ferguson by taking sides before the evidence found Brown attacked the officer. He responded by blaming the officer. He ignited the hate.

A poll during the Obama years found 60% felt race relations were worse than prior to Obama.

Why do you think Trump got elected.
If there was no division than Hillary should have won.
Trump got elected because there was division. The public was tired of a president that put Americans second.

As the popular vote indicates there are more democrats that voted in the last general elections. Therefore there are more haters on the left.
The democrats have hated Trump from day one. It doesn’t matter what he has done for the country he will be hated by assholes like you.
If Trump was responsible for world peace assholes like you would criticize him and call for his removal from office.

Waters and others are in the public eye. Assholes like you listen to Waters who than go out and harass people that don’t have your same views.
Waters does not have to be president to insight.

So what some crazy has Trump stickers on his vehicle.
Your the idiot to think Trumps rhetoric is related to the bomber.
If that is the case I’ll say that Schumer is responsible for the shooter at the GOP softball practice. Everything out of Schumer’s mouth is hate for republicans and Trump. Remember that event asshole. Two can play that game.
Trump hate speech at rallies has been posted many times.

Then you'll have no problem reminding me with his actual quotes then, huh?

We all know Trump stirs the worst parts of people's nature.

"WE ALL" as in leftist Trump hating snowflakes who have no evidence, just mindless accusations!

He also harmonizes with horrible haters like the guy who sent 14 bombs and the white powers thugs and Nazis.

That's what you say, but you're soooo very short on any evidence. All you actually have is your brainwashing you subscribe to from CNN and MSNBC, Hollywood scum and hate mongering Democrat politicians.

Robo are you honestly too stupid to understand the dangers that Trump presents?

You mean like the Trump roaring economy? The Trump constitutionalist judges he's putting on the courts? The peace talks with North Korea? The wiping out of ISIS? The record setting lowest unemployment numbers for blacks and Hispanics? Yep! He's a real danger OK, for the Democrats!

Or are you just a Trumpette who will lie over and over to cover up the facts?

"FACTS" such as? You're gonna let us all know them facts, right?

Trump is stirring up people , many at the point of ther fears, like those terrible Latinos who want to kill you in your sleep.

You mean those Sanctuary City misunderstood little darlings MS13 that y'all lefties love and protect?

Trump seeks to destroy the press and ignore the constitution, which is just an inconvenience to him.

What "PRESS?" There's no valid press left on the left. They've sold their souls to the socialist progressive BIG government swine They're simply a brainwashing propaganda machine for the Democrat Party. The New York Times is taking suggestion orders from their readers for ways to assassinate Donald Trump. You're calling them hack swine press? Those are the kind Trump calls fake news and enemies of the people and he's 100% correct.
Absurdities and hypocrisy.

Donald Trump is responsible for the unworkable bombs sent to the Democrat politicians and other leftist. Donald Trump is responsible for the mindless murders of Jews in Pittsburgh. Surely we all know that Donald Trump’s violent hate filled rhetoric is why we’re experiencing all of this violence. That’s what the Democrat politicians and their mindless propaganda machine CNN, MSNBC, The View,
Hollywood and the rest of leftist nationwide believe their base followers will swallow. They believe their base are mindless morons who will believe any stupid lie they want to perpetrate.

We watched them, (the left), attempt to politically crucify a Supreme Court judge without a dime’s worth of corroborated evidence. We watched them encourage the base to be uncivil to the opposition, to kick them, to harass them, get in their face at restaurants markets and gas stations. We’ve watched them publically present a picture of Donald Trump’s severed head dripping blood., We’ve seen the Hollywood elite opine about punching Donald Trump in the face and blowing up the White House. We’ve seen Obama’s vice president claim he wants to take Donald Trump behind the barn and kick his ass. We’ve seen the NY Times survey their readers for ways to assassinate Donald Trump. And these are the hypocrites that want to preach to the public about civility, hatred and violence and the rhetoric of Donald Trump. Compared to them, Donald Trump’s rhetoric is saintly!

That’s why I never voted for a Democrat in my life and never will.

We've seen Trump mock people with disabilities in his rallies.
We've seen Trump advocate violence against protesters in his rallies.
We've seen Trump regularly lie in his every day life. Pathologically so.
We've seen Trump encourage violence against journalists.
We've seen Trump call the media the enemy of the American people.
We've seen Trump surround himself with the most corrupt people since Reagan or Nixon
We've seen Trump employ 3rd grade insults and outright lies about his political opponents.

Fuck you and your bogus claim about hypocrisy by the Dems, you fucking idiot. Trump, from the beginning, has elevated lies, distortions and encouraged this type of behavior.

Own it, Trumpanzee.
Trump has spent 3 years stirring up hate and anger. Trump did not mail the bomb or shoot up the synagogue. He sure made those who hate feel more mainstream. Perhaps he has thrown open the door and shown us how many violent haters exist in America.We were better off when they felt it was better to keep their hate and anger private. Trump is a divider who has calculted that he can win with the haters, the angry and the wealthy. I hope he isn't right.

Get bent, you old retard.

Reasonable immigration policy is not hate.

Remember when the left was for the little guy and not oligarchs like Clinton and soros?
Get bent, you old retard.

Reasonable immigration policy is not hate.

Remember when the left was for the little guy and not oligarchs like Clinton and soros?

Still are dumbo. Who is for raising the Min wage? Think about it. Who is for protecting Social security? Who wants to slash it. Who is for healthcare for all. Who is against it? Who wants to end food stamps? Are you actually operating with a brain that arrives at a ridiculous idea like that? Soros gives money to,liberal causes. Rightys think that is a crime. he has that right.
You are arguing that the lefy is pro wealthy? Trump- claims to have 10 billion dollars. Know how rich the Bushes are? We have a party of the wealthy and we all know it is the Repubs.The fact that some wealthy people recognize the danger the Repubs present to the America experiment does not change that.
It is rather amazing in a nation that prides itself on a preamble that recognizes all people as equal that we now have a president who uses the 'hate' of immigrants as his major policy platform and it works its magic on the minds of the so called Christians and others who pretend religious charity. Proves one thing to anyone who thinks, people are insincere in so many of their assumed moral stances. Give someone an enemy and you got em in your pocket.

But itb wasn’t “HATE” when Obama said and did the same things related to “ILLEGAL” immigrants, right?

We hold these truths to be kinda self-evident, that all men (this includes women, gays, trans, etc) are not equal, that some should not be treated fairly or even acknowledged as people, especially if they were endowed by their Creator or genetics with gayness or brownness or some other differentness in our eyes, that among these qualities are lots of potential reasons to deny them any rights or service until it is determined in our pursuit of our Happiness, bigotry and our ideological framework of justice that it fits our narrow minded existence. So be it saith draft dodger Donnie of bad feet.

And “Draft Dodger Donnie is and has said or acted in what way to deny women, gays, trans etc and brown people less than equal treatment and fairness? Which of any of their rights has he violated?
Strange how the mentally, and morally, defective seem to transport themselves to the right wing of society.

The left-wing are all brilliant intellectuals and magnificent folks of pure integrity and moral standards, right? What else do you do besides laughable childish accusations and hatred?

Trump lies everyday about everything, everyone, and just his breathing is a lie.

OMG!!!! A politician that lies!!!!!

He praises dictators. Foments hatred for people of other shades of color.

Which dictator has he “PRAISED?” Which folk of “other shades of color has he Fomented hatred for, when and how?

Praises White Supremacists. But hey, that is not dividing the country, inciting violence, or hatred.

What “White Supremacists” has he praised? Can you post his “praising” quotes?

Maxine Waters makes a single truthful, but obnoxious, comment, and the right comes unglued, and blames the left for the ills of the country.

You’ll deny it but Maxine Waters incited violence. Most all politicians make obnoxious and untruthful comments. Inciting violence is a different and most dangerous animal.
We've seen Trump mock people with disabilities in his rallies.

that’s not violence. I’ve seen democrat politicians and bureaucrats, leftist media, Hollywood scum and late night low-life’s advocate violance on the right.

We've seen Trump advocate violence against protesters in his rallies.

Only when the protestors invaded his rallies shouting insults and obscenities at Trump and his supporters at the rallies, that’s violence for “SELF DEFENSE.” Everybody has the right of self defense!

We've seen Trump regularly lie in his every day life.

We’ve seen nearly every politician lie regularly including and especially Obama, What else ain’t new?

We've seen Trump encourage violence against journalists.

His quotes please.

We've seen Trump call the media the enemy of the American people.

That’s not a lie or any kind of untruth when the media spouts and prints falsehoods and 90% of their political reporting is negative and willful ignorance of Trumps positives. That friend is unfair to Trump and the people. There’s no special carve out for journalist to lie and spout hatred without cause. Journalist are people as culpable for their short comings and biases as anybody else.

We've seen Trump surround himself with the most corrupt people since Reagan or Nixon

No names? Interesting!

We've seen Trump employ 3rd grade insults and outright lies about his political opponents.

We’ve seen Democrat politicians, leftist media, Hollywood scum and late night unfunny low-life’s not only perpetrate 3rd grade insults at Trump, we’ve watched them show pictures of Trump’s bleeding severed head, and take polls of their readers for suggestions of how to best assassinate Trump, and instigate other acts of violence on not just him, but also his family.

Fuck you and your bogus claim about hypocrisy by the Dems, you fucking idiot. Trump, from the beginning, has elevated lies, distortions and encouraged this type of behavior.

Own it, Trumpanzee.

“He’s ENCOURAGED” such behavior? Thank you for admitting it happens on the left with steroids.

The actual way Trump has encouraged it is and was by BEATING Her Majesty Hillary’s ass in an election and beating the duopoly dictatorship at their own crooked election games, revitalizing the nation’s economy, making peace with North Korea, shit canning the stupid Paris Accord, and the absurd illegal and unconstitutional Kerry/Obama agreement with Iran, trashing the Obama Administration’s unelected bureaucrats stupid economy killing regulations, bringing down America’s corporate tax rate into competitive balance with the rest of the world, creating America’s roaring economy, bringing the black and Hispanic unemployment rates down to the lowest in America’s history, creating an annual GDP of 3.plus %, (a happening that Obama and Democrats said was impossible), and now the fastest rise in wages for working folks in a decade.

That’s what has the left’s hair on fire and their violence encouraging scum out of the woodwork.
Is that so? Why don't you post some of his quotes where he even suggested violence to anybody except when his rally was attacked by screaming leftist shouting obscenities at him and his followers?

You're gonna prove that with substance instead of accusations and unverifiable rhetoric, right?

You mean he's uncovered and exposed the leftist Democrat haters simply by getting elected, huh?

Doesn't matter! Most of us knew all along about the alleged "compassionate party." We knew all along that you hated blacks. We've known you're the perpetrators of slavery and the mob that keeps the blacks in the ghetto slave quarters and reliant on their government task masters. We've known all along that your political leaders are just socialist whack jobs looking to enslave all of America to Giant socialist government.

Sure! that's why he's managed to lower black and Hispanic unemployment to it's lowest level in history, he's a "divider" and hate perpetrator. He's all but wiped out ISIS and made America safer because he's a "divider." He's brought business and jobs back to America because he's working hard to divide America's working people.

The only people Trump's divided and inspired their hatred is those low-life scum on the left that can't stand the "FACT" that Trump is making America respected and great and working again. If we wanta see "HATE" we just look left. We watch CNN, MSNBC, Hollywood scumbags, late night NOT funny scum and Democrats politicians. That's where the hate is. That's the only folks Trump has divided from the real Americans.

In my lifetime I have never seen such an ignorant, fear mongering liar in public life.. and you make him your hero..

This won't end well.