Absurdities and hypocrisy.
Donald Trump is responsible for the unworkable bombs sent to the Democrat politicians and other leftist. Donald Trump is responsible for the mindless murders of Jews in Pittsburgh. Surely we all know that Donald Trump’s violent hate filled rhetoric is why we’re experiencing all of this violence. That’s what the Democrat politicians and their mindless propaganda machine CNN, MSNBC, The View,
Hollywood and the rest of leftist nationwide believe their base followers will swallow. They believe their base are mindless morons who will believe any stupid lie they want to perpetrate.
We watched them, (the left), attempt to politically crucify a Supreme Court judge without a dime’s worth of corroborated evidence. We watched them encourage the base to be uncivil to the opposition, to kick them, to harass them, get in their face at restaurants markets and gas stations. We’ve watched them publically present a picture of Donald Trump’s severed head dripping blood., We’ve seen the Hollywood elite opine about punching Donald Trump in the face and blowing up the White House. We’ve seen Obama’s vice president claim he wants to take Donald Trump behind the barn and kick his ass. We’ve seen the NY Times survey their readers for ways to assassinate Donald Trump. And these are the hypocrites that want to preach to the public about civility, hatred and violence and the rhetoric of Donald Trump. Compared to them, Donald Trump’s rhetoric is saintly!
That’s why I never voted for a Democrat in my life and never will.
I have watched the republican base swallow 5000 Trump lies in 600 days. Trump told 18 times as many lies in his first 100 days as Obama did in his entire presidency. Doesn't say much for your veracity does it. (or your smarts)