According to Elle Magazine Canada, this is one of the most ‘incredible women’ in Canada.

Same to you, you ugly old syphilitic drunk. You voted for a narcissistic felon who can never be cured of his defects.
Yawn. Everything your stinky ass old never used cunt has "predicted" has been wrong. You are truly just a welfare collecting inbred PA Democrat. Useless as fuck. Except to your uncles....
I told you what I thought hours ago, you stupid fool. Have somebody ready my post to you again.
u said looks like a man that was playing dress up

While in fact it wants to be identified as a she/her

is it A MAN?

yes or no

The point is u stupid fuck it doesn't matter what this freak wants to identify as ...this mental ill person will always be a man
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So do u agree Vivek is a she?

Go into girls bathroom and showers?

Compete in girls sports leagues?
Whatever that is, it needs to shave those pits and the chest! I suggest...
