Actual British Gov Commercial on How to Eat Leftovers

Charver, you should make a commercial about making silly commercials. Do they have a ministry of silly commercials?
Charver, you should make a commercial about making silly commercials. Do they have a ministry of silly commercials?

Honestly, during the early 80's there weren't many actual product adverts during the non-peak viewing hours. Consequently, my Saturday morning viewing was interspersed with dozens of public information films made in the 1970's.

They make fantastic nostalgic viewing. Nothing better than watching kids in horrendous yellow tank-tops and flares as wide as the St Lawrence seaway fly their kites into pylons, be mowed down by a classic piece of British automotive history or slowly sink from view - enveloped in the steaming contents of an unfenced slurry pit.

This one's a classic...

[ame=""]YouTube - Dark And Lonely Water[/ame]
Honestly, during the early 80's there weren't many actual product adverts during the non-peak viewing hours. Consequently, my Saturday morning viewing was interspersed with dozens of public information films made in the 1970's.

They make fantastic nostalgic viewing. Nothing better than watching kids in horrendous yellow tank-tops and flares as wide as the St Lawrence seaway fly their kites into pylons, be mowed down by a classic piece of British automotive history or slowly sink from view - enveloped in the steaming contents of an unfenced slurry pit.

This one's a classic...

I saw a few similar to those, not many, even as a kid you can't help but think that the kids in the videos were really dumb. Just about any kid that did something like that knew better, they just did it for a risk. I don't think the commercials were the slightest bit effective.

But I mean the level we are now with gov warnings about having to eat reheated food that is hot. I mean c'mon, that's just the ultimate in a nannying state. Even if they were super retarded and ate colder reheated food and got diarhea, who cares? They'll learn the hard way to watch how they eat.
Help government! Protect me from diarhea! Silly.
One. Even in American English there is one "o" in labor.

We already know about their love affair with the letter "u".

I meant u dammit!

I was meaning that British spellings are different. When I looked up foodborne illness, wikipedia used the odd o-laden spelling if diarrhea. So I think it's either just a British spelling or a spelling that refers specifically to foodborne illness.
I've never seen that one before.

Anyway, the government have a long history of commissioning these films to point out things that people shouldn't do, things people should do and things people should be careful doing if they must do them at all.

This was a favourite when i was a kid.

Remember kids, don't throw frisbees into pylons or it may make your unfashionable trousers emit an awful lot of smoke. Apparently an everyday occurrence in 1970's Britain.

Honestly, during the early 80's there weren't many actual product adverts during the non-peak viewing hours. Consequently, my Saturday morning viewing was interspersed with dozens of public information films made in the 1970's.

They make fantastic nostalgic viewing. Nothing better than watching kids in horrendous yellow tank-tops and flares as wide as the St Lawrence seaway fly their kites into pylons, be mowed down by a classic piece of British automotive history or slowly sink from view - enveloped in the steaming contents of an unfenced slurry pit.

This one's a classic...

Christ. They really try to scare you over there.
I saw a few similar to those, not many, even as a kid you can't help but think that the kids in the videos were really dumb. Just about any kid that did something like that knew better, they just did it for a risk. I don't think the commercials were the slightest bit effective.

But I mean the level we are now with gov warnings about having to eat reheated food that is hot. I mean c'mon, that's just the ultimate in a nannying state. Even if they were super retarded and ate colder reheated food and got diarhea, who cares? They'll learn the hard way to watch how they eat.
Help government! Protect me from diarhea! Silly.

There's no way to know how many people took notice of those adverts. Maybe they were useless, save the enormous entertainment value, or maybe there would have been a spate of fishing rod related electrocutions, in 1978, without them.

However, having had the dubious pleasure of meeting some of the educationally subnormal specimens who inhabit our fair isle, i'll be amazed if some of them have managed to get as far as cooking at all.

Living near the Scotch border we're constantly plagued by all manner of Scotch adverts telling Scotch people to not be racist, fat, smoke, drink or be rude - essentially the five elements which define the Scotch national characteristic. The English broadcasts tend to focus on speeding and smoking, which are universally ignored. They don't make them like they used to.
Honestly, during the early 80's there weren't many actual product adverts during the non-peak viewing hours. Consequently, my Saturday morning viewing was interspersed with dozens of public information films made in the 1970's.

They make fantastic nostalgic viewing. Nothing better than watching kids in horrendous yellow tank-tops and flares as wide as the St Lawrence seaway fly their kites into pylons, be mowed down by a classic piece of British automotive history or slowly sink from view - enveloped in the steaming contents of an unfenced slurry pit.

This one's a classic...

That was great!

The best we had to offer was gory driver's ed films and a litter commercial with an indian crying.
There's no way to know how many people took notice of those adverts. Maybe they were useless, save the enormous entertainment value, or maybe there would have been a spate of fishing rod related electrocutions, in 1978, without them.

However, having had the dubious pleasure of meeting some of the educationally subnormal specimens who inhabit our fair isle, i'll be amazed if some of them have managed to get as far as cooking at all.

Living near the Scotch border we're constantly plagued by all manner of Scotch adverts telling Scotch people to not be racist, fat, smoke, drink or be rude - essentially the five elements which define the Scotch national characteristic. The English broadcasts tend to focus on speeding and smoking, which are universally ignored. They don't make them like they used to.

Well over here in right-wing America, here's what we get THANKS TO THE CONSERATIVES (trying to talk like dano):

[ame=""]YouTube - Original G.I. Joe PSA 4 Don't pet strange dogs[/ame]

Beats your PSA's by a mile. I bet your jealous you didn't get to watch this pertinent info be distributed. But at least you would've had freedom while doing it.

(Freedom = America)
Ok I thought this was a joke, but it actually has a message from the Brit government on how to properly eat reheated food (they need tax money for that, bunch of wussies).
Diarrhoea video.

This is anti-Darwinian. If you are too stupid to figure out how to reheat your "toad in 'e 'ole" or "bangers and mash" properly, you should be excluded from the breeding pool, because all you are going to do is breed another generation of retards for the state to tend.
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No, nothing wussier than pretending government can save people from obvious trivial everyday actions derived from common sense. No one else is arguing for government nannying like you do.

Pussy of the year award goes to Waterbaby.

Yeah, like that whole spending on the 'Brain on Drugs' commercials they did back during the Reagan years. That was a complete waste of tax money too.
This is anti-Darwinian. If you are too stupid to figure out how to reheat your "toad in 'e 'ole" or "bangers and mash" properly, you should be excluded from the breeding pool, because all you are going to do is breed another generation of retards for the state to tend.

I don't know ... if you eat stuff with names like that, perhaps you've already qualified for at least an Honorable Mention in the annual Darwin awards. It isn't very appetizing!