Ad for this popped up on JPP

You get ads based on your browser history so if you don’t want to get ads for tucked male swimsuits you should probably quit looking at them on the internet

Yeah I knew some sexual intellectual would come up with that.
I always open the big breasted female clothing/swimsuit ads.
Personally I think the WOKE are trying to groom me.
Posted without comment.

Not sure what that is, but you might want to consider your own browsing habits. That's what the ads are based on. They are turned off on this device, but on my others I get ads for purses, beads, gardening supplies and flowers, and pretty skirts. lol
Be very careful about clicking on ads here or anywhere.

I clicked on an ad here, and I got one of those Trojans that said my computer was corrupted, and it froze up my laptop, with a Microsoft message that my computer was hijacked and at serious risk.

I had to reboot in safe mode as Administrator, bring up DOS, and resolve the matter through some tools I had to download.

Discovered one of those keyloggers in my Registry!
You get ads based on your browser history so if you don’t want to get ads for tucked male swimsuits you should probably quit looking at them on the internet

Agreed. I wonder why anymouse was "researching" tuck clothing? Most of my ads are for Temu sales items.
Not sure what that is, but you might want to consider your own browsing habits. That's what the ads are based on. They are turned off on this device, but on my others I get ads for purses, beads, gardening supplies and flowers, and pretty skirts. lol

That's pretty much the case.
Did you furiously Google "Hot chicks" and "Bikinis" to generate that result?

Next time I'll post a screen shot of the ad. If there is a next time. I was surprised it came up again. But I did find it odd that the tranny tuck suit guy was in between those two.
Next time I'll post a screen shot of the ad. If there is a next time. I was surprised it came up again. But I did find it odd that the tranny tuck suit guy was in between those two.

Why? The Tech Lords know everything about you. It's based upon your browsing....which is why the tuck clothing is interesting. LOL

Search for baby strollers, baby formula and diapers and you'll start seeing those ads.