Today's Washington Post contains a letter from Rep. Adam Schiff, ostensibly to the Republicans in Congress, but almost certainly with Donald Trump in mind as the recipient.
I imagine our American conservative friends here in JPP will not like it, but it is a terrific read.
He speaks of our "national divide...and of "attacks on our democracy."
My favorite part is:
But the attack on our democracy had its limits. Russian President Vladimir Putin could not lead us to distrust our own intelligence agencies or the FBI. He could not cause us to view our own free press as an enemy of the people. He could not undermine the independence of the Justice Department or denigrate judges. Only we could do that to ourselves. Although many forces have contributed to the decline in public confidence in our institutions, one force stands out as an accelerant, like gas on a fire. And try as some of us might to avoid invoking the arsonist’s name, we must say it.
I speak, of course, of our president, Donald Trump.
Read it. I think you'll like it.
I imagine our American conservative friends here in JPP will not like it, but it is a terrific read.
He speaks of our "national divide...and of "attacks on our democracy."
My favorite part is:
But the attack on our democracy had its limits. Russian President Vladimir Putin could not lead us to distrust our own intelligence agencies or the FBI. He could not cause us to view our own free press as an enemy of the people. He could not undermine the independence of the Justice Department or denigrate judges. Only we could do that to ourselves. Although many forces have contributed to the decline in public confidence in our institutions, one force stands out as an accelerant, like gas on a fire. And try as some of us might to avoid invoking the arsonist’s name, we must say it.
I speak, of course, of our president, Donald Trump.
Read it. I think you'll like it.