Adam Schiff's Open Letter (to Trump):

I show deference to women and I try my best to remain respectful, until I run into an overbearing sarcastic insulting AH of a woman.
then instead of engaging I ignore them. You will not recieve another response from me, run your mouth all you want but you will be talking to yourself

because you don't see women as your equal

heres a clue for you

we don't see idiots like you as our equal either
Horse shit go blow that crap to someone that will believe it. Obama was cuddled and babied and the media covered most all his negatives, thats fact and liberal drooling cant change it

dear fucking fox brain washed fecal matter ball

you have ONE TV station

there are many sources for news in the world

when ONLY ONE tells you what you want to hear

and you are gullible enough to believe what that ONE

that makes you a fucking dupe

fuck you very much
Hello Frank,

Thank you, Adam Schiff!

The letter sounds historical, epic. I imagine it will stand the course of time and be studied by future historians. It will be heralded as educational, vital learning in understanding our nation (if it still exists in a hundred years.)

Anybody who is not alarmed by this Presidency is not a loyal American.

If you check the facts stupid you will readily find that trump coverate is 90% negative and obama had 70% positive

because 90% of what trump does is evil ordered by putin to destroy us ass smear

the other 10% is just stupid
That wasnt meant literally,

Pew: Trump media three times more negative than for Obama, just 5 percent positive


the coverage has NOTHING to do with his ACTIONS ????

He did nit win the election

3 million more living breathing Americans didn't vote for trump

your republicans keep "winning" elected positions without getting the peoples approval

then you are surprised when the PEOPLE don't like their actions?

just how fucking stupid are you assminer?
No sock here moron, by all means write the admin to check me out. I just respond in kind to insulting leftwing idiots.

Want to be spoken to respectfully, try doing it

you are the one who is pretending Americans should be happy with an asshole who cheated his way onto office against the people will

tell us what percent of the coverage on FOX was positive on the Obama actions as president?

you KNOW that president that won by huge numbers of actual VOTERS
you are the one who is pretending Americans should be happy with an asshole who cheated his way onto office against the people will

tell us what percent of the coverage on FOX was positive on the Obama actions as president?

you KNOW that president that won by huge numbers of actual VOTERS

Im not telling you anything, I couldnt care less if your happy or not with trump.

Just dont try lying your way through and making it up as you go. I fully realize he isnt flawless, tell me what potus was and if you say obama ill puke on your shoes.

You folks on the left want me to believe ever liberal politician is my savior and every conservative is evil.

Tell me something or ask me something that makes sense and you will get a sensible response, might not be what you want to hear, oh well
Hello Yoda,

That wasnt meant literally,

Pew: Trump media three times more negative than for Obama, just 5 percent positive

Did it ever occur that the media is attempting to portray reality, that there is no pretense that hatred and lies should be softened?

The media is actually going EASY on Trump. He is, in reality, a thousand times more negative than President Obama. If the media wasn't cutting Trump any slack, they would properly make him appear to be one thousand times more negative than President Obama.
Hello Yoda,

Did it ever occur that the media is attempting to portray reality, that there is no pretense that hatred and lies should be softened?

The media is actually going EASY on Trump. He is, in reality, a thousand times more negative than President Obama. If the media wasn't cutting Trump any slack, they would properly make him appear to be one thousand times more negative than President Obama.

I absolutely disagree with that, pew research did the latest study and 90% of Trump reporting is negative.
Today's Washington Post contains a letter from Rep. Adam Schiff, ostensibly to the Republicans in Congress, but almost certainly with Donald Trump in mind as the recipient.

I imagine our American conservative friends here in JPP will not like it, but it is a terrific read.

He speaks of our "national divide...and of "attacks on our democracy."

My favorite part is:

But the attack on our democracy had its limits. Russian President Vladimir Putin could not lead us to distrust our own intelligence agencies or the FBI. He could not cause us to view our own free press as an enemy of the people. He could not undermine the independence of the Justice Department or denigrate judges. Only we could do that to ourselves. Although many forces have contributed to the decline in public confidence in our institutions, one force stands out as an accelerant, like gas on a fire. And try as some of us might to avoid invoking the arsonist’s name, we must say it.

I speak, of course, of our president, Donald Trump.

Read it. I think you'll like it.

Adam B. Schiff, a Democrat, represents California’s 28th Congressional District in the House
A California dimocrat. I didn't go any further than that.
Where was this person during Obama's reign of hate and division?

On the bandwagon with the rest of race and hate baiters. Now, he's squalling like a wet baby.

Suck it up, buttercup. There is always a hereafter.

We took America back. "He won. Get over it"

Remember the 8 years when the republicunts refused to accept President Obama? Unlike the cunt drumpf , President Obama won TWO elections in a LANDSLIDE. And he won both the popular vote AND the electoral college - something he orange cunt FAILED TO DO!!!

And just watch the republicunts cry like babies when the next President is going to be a DEMOCRAT.

And on election night in November 2020, I will happily tell all republicunts;-


The Democrats made America GREAT AGAIN. He/she won. Get over it!

And if you don't like it - fuck off to mother russia cunts.
A California dimocrat. I didn't go any further than that.

Oh admit it cunt. You didn't read the article cos Adam used words republicunts don't understand;-


Would it make it better if the post was translated in Russian? We all know you republicunts love Mother Russia and your dear leader Putin.