Who cares. The AMA is a political body not a scientific one.
Yeah it does. Nobody chooses to get a disease. Sure, chosen behaviors can put one at risk, but there's a big difference between aids or cancer and addiction. The ill effects of addiction can be avoided by simply modifying behavior. You can't simply choose not to let aids/cancer harm you.
50 million Americans have chosen to quit the "disease" of nicotine addiction, 90% without any medication or formal therapy. Show me one person that simply quit cancer.
Addiction can be tough to kick, but it's not a disease and the difficulties the addict faces are not reason to throw out science and objective definitions. It's a chosen behavior.
You might think that playing loose with disease shows compassion. It does not. You disempower the addict over his life and enable him to continue his poor choices.
I say this as a person that has suffered addictions.