Into the Night
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handjob, you are jerking off again.
Argument of the Stone fallacy.
handjob, you are jerking off again.
Polls a year and half early are utterly meaningless. Rightys claim all polls are bad. Of course, if they find one that backs their goofy beliefs they use it like gospel.
No he isn’t. Next?
Hang in there for GA, and one or two more Federal.
Two criminal indictments dont seem to be enough for you, but hang in there, more are coming down the road.
I guess you haven't bothered to see how many offices on a local, state and national level have turned blue since trump left office. Its you own fucking state, are you that stupid?
go ahead.....impress us with the statistics........if there really are any.....
You have your head up your ass and have no idea what is happening in your own state.
Dude, here you are on a Conspiracy Theory chasing your tail end like a little desert rabbit waiting for the bite of a snake.
When Ken Paxton, the lying Texas State AG, that is being investigated by his own Republican led senate for his many list of crimes, filed his lawsuit to the Supreme Court making these claims, the Supreme Court had a huge laugh and said the claims were baseless without any proof. And even US AG Barr said the claims were laughing stock and a disgrace by Republicans.
SO, cry a little bit harder for us- CRYBABY LOSER!
You people are fucking pathetic!
We will see… I smell a conviction!
many of those he personally hired will be testifying against him. Looks like Rudy as well and who knows how many others. These people will not go down for him.
when was the last time you told the truth about anything. All in defense of a man who couldn't give a shit about you.
Word stuffing. The Supreme Court never said any such thing.
You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, ya dumb lizard.
many of those he personally hired will be testifying against him. Looks like Rudy as well and who knows how many others. These people will not go down for him.
I wish you well- Into The Rabbit Hole!
Get well soon now!
He fired them too. So you think people with 'sour grapes' are an unbiased witness. Hilarious!
You also completely ignored the fact there is no crime.
Trump never said this. Word stuffing.We were told he would only hired the very best,
Trump hires and fires all the time. It's his choice to do so. Some people work out for the job, others don't.and look what happened.
Blatant lie. Argument from randU fallacy.He fired 90% of his hires,
Witnesses to what? You still haven't listed the crime.but he didn't fire Rudy or Stephanie Grisham, and they will be witnesses front and center.
Trump never said this. Word stuffing.
Trump hires and fires all the time. It's his choice to do so. Some people work out for the job, others don't.
Blatant lie. Argument from randU fallacy.
Witnesses to what? You still haven't listed the crime.
During the campaign, Trump said he hired “top, top people” and would fill his administration “with only the best and most serious people.”