Adjustment or Real Crash?

I will say this though... I agree that the increase in education opportunities in the 1960's also played a part in the decrease in poverty rates.

I don't see how medicare or medicaid would affect the poverty rate... perhaps you can clarify that for me??? Thanks.
The Republicans hated President Clinton's budgget so much they shut down the government to try to prevent the plan from going through.... Well they blinked first and it went through....

Now he gets credit for the successes that budget provided.
"The Republicans hated President Clinton's budgget so much they shut down the government to try to prevent the plan from going through.... Well they blinked first and it went through....

Now he gets credit for the successes that budget provided."

Umm... wrong... Clinton and the Republicans went back and forth for two years until they reached a compromise on the budget. That budget was the work of BOTH parties. I'll let you in on a little hint... that budget was not a catalyst to the economic activity that was transpiring throughout 90's. The economy was incredibly strong DESPITE what the idiots in both parties were doing in DC. THAT is what lowered the poverty rate in the 90's.... not the friggin politicians.
I will say this though... I agree that the increase in education opportunities in the 1960's also played a part in the decrease in poverty rates.

I don't see how medicare or medicaid would affect the poverty rate... perhaps you can clarify that for me??? Thanks.

I don't see how medicare or medicaid would affect the poverty rate... perhaps you can clarify that for me???

Catastrophic health and medical problems is one of the leading causes of poverty. Particluarly for uninsured people. One stroke, without health insurance, will pretty much destroy you financially.

Basically proper health care, and health insurance is one avenue of mitigating poverty. Not the only one. But, its a factor.
Tell me Darla, since you love Clinton so much... just how is it that he was able to lower the poverty level without the Republican led Congress?

The republican congress of 2004, is essentially the same republican congress as in 1999. They're still around.

The only missing ingredient is Bill Clinton.

To use a sports analogy, in the heyday of the Chicago Bulls there was a debate as to whether Scottie Pippen was as responsible for the Bulls success as Michael Jordan.

When Jordan left, Scottie Pippen was still around, but the Bulls cratered. There's no doubt that it was all about jordan. The bulls would have kicked ass with Jordan, regarless of Pippen -- Pippen was overated, and a sideshow.

the missing ingredient was Jordan.
"Catastrophic health and medical problems is one of the leading causes of poverty. Particluarly for uninsured people. One stroke, without health insurance, will pretty much destroy you financially.

Basically proper health care, and health insurance is one avenue of mitigating poverty. Not the only one. But, its a factor."

Ok, to a certain extent I can agree that it helped the poverty rate, but I don't think it was as big a factor as the tax cuts and educational improvements. Thanks for the response.
The missing ingredient was the great economy... not Clinton. Clinton didn't do that much (and neither did the Rep Congress) to boost the economy. It was the productivity of the work force, new innovations in tech, internet and telecom that drove the economy. The politicians stalemated and thus, kept out of the way. So in a way, the stalemate Clinton created did help to an extent, but hardly the driving force as the economy began to crater WHILE he was in office. (again, not his fault... but shows the politicians weren't really responsible for either the up or the down)
Well, what do you want to talk about?

Alexander Hamilton. Puppies, raisins, cornbread and directional tires. Gravity and social conscience. Debate topic: Being "green" IS Christian. School vouchers will not change the status quo. An inherent flaw in pure free market capitalism as related and expressed through an examination of Deming's type IV results in statisical process control theory. Energy policy and common sense. Illiteracy, innumeracy, and anti-intellectuality in the population at large, and the effect on social structure. Darwin and Malthus. Debate topic: Is the HPV vaccine a good thing or a farce? In the short-term, libertarianism is OK. Mass customization. Data Bots. English love, greek eros philos and agape. The Tuskegee airmen. The Tuskegee experiments. Cheap red wine. Value as a function of perception. Does anyone know where I can go to get my poetic license? Who has my permanent record? Do you like Pi? I like pie. Wankel engines. If I were ruler of the world...
Alexander Hamilton. Puppies, raisins, cornbread and directional tires. Gravity and social conscience. Debate topic: Being "green" IS Christian. School vouchers will not change the status quo. An inherent flaw in pure free market capitalism as related and expressed through an examination of Deming's type IV results in statisical process control theory. Energy policy and common sense. Illiteracy, innumeracy, and anti-intellectuality in the population at large, and the effect on social structure. Darwin and Malthus. Debate topic: Is the HPV vaccine a good thing or a farce? In the short-term, libertarianism is OK. Mass customization. Data Bots. English love, greek eros philos and agape. The Tuskegee airmen. The Tuskegee experiments. Cheap red wine. Value as a function of perception. Does anyone know where I can go to get my poetic license? Who has my permanent record? Do you like Pi? I like pie. Wankel engines. If I were ruler of the world...

All good should start threads for each of them. I'd post on them.
I thought all tires were directional, roll forwards or backwards. and are not really designed for sideways rolling.