Alexander Hamilton. Puppies, raisins, cornbread and directional tires. Gravity and social conscience. Debate topic: Being "green" IS Christian. School vouchers will not change the status quo. An inherent flaw in pure free market capitalism as related and expressed through an examination of Deming's type IV results in statisical process control theory. Energy policy and common sense. Illiteracy, innumeracy, and anti-intellectuality in the population at large, and the effect on social structure. Darwin and Malthus. Debate topic: Is the HPV vaccine a good thing or a farce? In the short-term, libertarianism is OK. Mass customization. Data Bots. English love, greek eros philos and agape. The Tuskegee airmen. The Tuskegee experiments. Cheap red wine. Value as a function of perception. Does anyone know where I can go to get my poetic license? Who has my permanent record? Do you like Pi? I like pie. Wankel engines. If I were ruler of the world...