Administration scrambled to abort

The OP is bullshit, but you believed it, didn't you?


That makes you the dumbass here.

"In case you missed it yesterday, unhinged bigot Pam Geller allowed her overriding hatred of President Obama to take her to new and scary places as she reported that the military countermanded an order from Obama to abort the mission to kill Osama bin Laden. She had, in effect, accused unspecified members of the military of treason.

Geller sourced an anonymous conservative blogger who claims to be receiving reports from a "D.C. insider." This "insider" apparently enjoys unfettered access to the president and his advisors and knows intimate details of top secret national security discussions -- so naturally he/she dishes to a F-list right-winger who writes for a content farm no one has heard of. Anyway, the story spun by the "insider" and reprinted by Geller was that the military staged a "coup"(!) after the White House "scrambled to abort" the Bin Laden mission..."

LOL. Dumb Yankee believes anonymous sources cited by Pam Geller. What a fucking retard.

IMPORTANT SPECIFIC: When 48 hour go order issued, Obama was “told, not requested”.

His Administration scrambled to abort. That order was overruled.

This order did not originate from Obama. Repeat – this order did not originate from Obama. He complied, but did not originate.
Independent military contacts have confirmed. Stories corroborate one another. This is legit. The killing of Osama Bin Laden was in fact a “Coup within Obama WH”.

Courtesy "Ebysan"

What happened from there is what was described by me as a “masterful manipulation” by Leon Panetta. Panetta indicated to Obama that leaks regarding knowledge of Osama Bin Laden’s location were certain to get out sooner rather than later, and action must be taken by the administration or the public backlash to the president’s inaction would be “…significant to the point of political debilitation.” It was at that time that Obama stated an on-ground campaign would be far more acceptable to him than a bombing raid. This was intended as a stalling tactic, and it had originated from Jarrett. Such a campaign would take both time, and present a far greater risk of failure. The president had been instructed by Jarrett to inform Mr., Panetta that he would have sole discretion to act against the Osama Bin Laden compound. Jarrett believed this would further delay Panetta from acting, as the responsibility for failure would then fall almost entirely on him. What Valerie Jarrett, and the president, did not know is that Leon Panetta had already initiated a program that reported to him –and only him, involving a covert on the ground attack against the compound. Basically, the whole damn operation was already ready to go – including the specific team support Intel necessary to engage the enemy within hours of being given notice.

ROFLMAO.... tell us DY.... are you serious with this crap or are you just trolling to wind up the left wingnuts?

As for your photo... they are ALL observers at this point. Once the command goes out, it is then up to the team in the field to execute the orders given to them. Or do you think the President should be on a head piece talking to the Seals and saying... 'no, no... go left... left... ok, now shoot, no shoot lower, just a bit to the right... ok you got him'????
ROFLMAO.... tell us DY.... are you serious with this crap or are you just trolling to wind up the left wingnuts?

As for your photo... they are ALL observers at this point. Once the command goes out, it is then up to the team in the field to execute the orders given to them. Or do you think the President should be on a head piece talking to the Seals and saying... 'no, no... go left... left... ok, now shoot, no shoot lower, just a bit to the right... ok you got him'????
What that picture shows is The Obama clueless, afraid, and "outside the loop", which corroborates the other evidence of him trying to abort the mission. Contrast his expression with the others in the room. With the possible exception of Clinton, these folks all look confident.

Other evidence? You have to have at least 2 pieces of evidence to have "other" evidence, retard. You don't even have one.

What can you extrapolate from this picture, Dumb Yankee?

What that picture shows is The Obama clueless, afraid, and "outside the loop", which corroborates the other evidence of him trying to abort the mission. Contrast his expression with the others in the room. With the possible exception of Clinton, these folks all look confident.

You are certainly reading a lot from a single photo. If you want explanations concerning the facial expressions, tell us who besides Obama would be crucified by the media if the mission failed?

The president is an observer in this situation.

You have offered a statement from a blogger quoting an mysterious, unnamed source. As far as evidence goes, that is about as useless as can be found.
Great.... just what is needed right now.... bullshit conspiracies.

1) While they found out the location of the safehouse in August.... even on the day of the raid they were not certain Osama was in there.
2) Obama SHOULD have been reluctant to act given the nature of the mission.... invading sovereign air space without permission, launching an attack on a civilian structure, putting the Seal and CIA teams in extreme danger given the lack of knowledge on who/what was inside that building.
3) To pretend that Obama simply 'complied' rather than taking the time to evaluate and weigh the risk/reward of such a mission is simply partisan hackery.
4) In every major decision like this, I would HOPE there is a divide among top officials. It means we have someone at least playing devils advocate. It means it isn't all 'yes' men/women in the cabinet.
Well said SF, well said!
He was afraid because he was not in control. The picture, past history and time lines corroborate the story.

You know it's bad when your fellow Tards wish you would stick to posting pictures of your alleged midlife-mobile in your long-running New Toy thread...
Wouldn't this "coup in the WH" amount to treason?

There was no coup and there was no treason. SM just can't deal with the fact that Obama got Bin Ladin and that his Saint and Messiah Bush didn't. Republicans are fools if they try to make this a partisan issue. They will come out on the shit end of that stick.

I made a resolution after 9/11 that I would not vote for the re-election of a US President who had not captured or killed Bin Ladin by the end of his first term. Unless Republicans nominated Romney I was pretty much planning on not voting for President if Obama had not captured or killed Bin Ladin by the end of his first term. Now it's a horse race (or at least I hope it will be one).