Adorable Picture of a Cat

I used to hate pets in general until I got Sidni, my adorable kitten.

i used to hate cats... the we got a kittin.. then before you know it we have 3 cats,... now i hate cats again... no actuly its a love hate thing, i love em when they are outside, but hate em when they are in stinking up the house and basicly going crazy at night keeping me up. then if ya let em out over night ya end up with a pile of dear bird, moles mice shoo's, you name it...fricking cats
It's amazing how that works, isn't it! :p

yeah util a few years ago I had never had cats. I took pity on 3 little kittens that their momma had in one of my sheds and then she got herself killed I guess.
Now they are my little furry buddies.
Still not a cat lover, but I like my little furry buddies.
They catch lots of mice too. Unfortunately they also wiped out my lizard population as well....