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Never thought
No Shit!
Never thought
And according to Article 2, section 2 of the Constitution the President isn't allowed a choice unless he seeks first the "ADVISE" of the Senate.
Obama claims to be a constitutional scholar and he is saying that relative to appointing judges to the Court, that the Constitution is “clear.” He says, “the President shall make nominations to the Court.” He fails to report that the Constitution’s actual text says, “He shall have power with the advise and consent of the Senate shall appoint Judges of the Supreme Court.” (Article 2, Section 2, United States Constitution)
Who thinks that Obama will call the leaders of the Senate to the White House and seek their advise as to who he should appoint to the Court to replace Scalia?
I’ll be awaiting the main stream media’s reporting of that happening, how about you?
If you want to be a strict constructionist, it looks like the Senate must agree.... They are not given a choice but to consent. IT does not say, consent or veto, it simply says consent.
* I am being sarcastic, but the argument is about as good as many based on Strict Construction.
heres what should happen
Obama nominates someone
the congress rejects them
the next day he nominates another person.
then congress rejects that person.
he keeps giving them nominees immediately after they reject someone
the republican party will be hated by every American In short order
More likely the President will nominate someone, the Congress will take months maybe a year to decide not to vote, then the new Congress will simply wait for Hillary to renew the nomination.
you aren't being sarcastic, you are being disingenuous.......nobody in the 200+ years of American history has pretended the Senate can't say no........
Never thought about it that way. Doubt any "originalist" ever did either. I like it!
They have made up plenty of evidence in their minds to convict her.
I agree, he must call up some Senators and ask what they think... then he can do what he wants.
/ too many liberal dumbfucks on this thread......
Says the guy who went to college for religion
Flat earth much
We can discuss what libby was convicted of if you wish, but my question was what crime are you accusing HRC of?
Says the guy who went to college for religion
Flat earth much
Juris Doctorate is not religion.......if you had finished high school you would have known that......
That clown says he has an accounting degree and an MBA yet makes grammar and spelling mistakes worse than a 5th grader.
A government schools education no doubt, huh?
He's constantly talking about how educated he is and how others are uneducated fools yet he speaks like the typical, functionally illiterate moron.
you are not the first to have made that observation over the years......
a bit on the slow side council?.....she did the same thing Libby did, which is why we are discussing what he did.......