Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
As usual, you don't have a God damned clue as to the true nature of what I'm referring to...and to cover your ignorance you rely on a collection of catch phrases and buzz words...which just conveys your negative neocon knee jerk to anything the "liberals" say.
Let me dumb it down for you: No one objects to calling declared jihadist exactly that. That is a description of a person who is following a specific doctrine with action.
terrorism is a quasi-military tactic that can be practiced by ANYONE. Case in point, you have read the term "eco-terrorist" given to certain groups of environmentalist who are extremist in their protest against the logging industry and the real estate industry....they use tactics such as burning down empty property to implating steel spikes in virgin forest trees to damage the chain saws used by loggers (tactics that are potentially deadly to people).
You don't have the US military hunting them down, do you? Nope, that's the FBI's jurisdiction....or was until the Shrub and our wussy Congress cobbled together the bloated bureaucracy of Homeland security.
Then there's all the stuff going on in India, Spain, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Mexico....terrorism abounds according to local gov'ts. But no US military rushing in.
The ONLY time the US "war on terror" seems to interest our military is when it's connected to Al Qaida....and rightly so.
But you can't just roll in the troops to every country where some wanna-be's declare themselves muslim extremists or jihadist or islamic fundamentalist and kills someone or destroys property. You do what's been done effectively for decades, you have the proper agencies contact the local gov't, and then you work with them to ID the threat and neutralize it.