After all the venting and stupid rants, is it time to get realistic...

Here's some more reality: As a source, Townhall sucks and I won't read their crap. If you want to persuade people, you have to use substance and truth as a lure, not horseshit.

I love how reetarded fuckhead righty trolls are.

I'd be good if they just held Wayne LaPierre responsible.

Why don't you pinheads just STFU and go to another thread since this one is way way beyond what your IQ's can handle...
Why don't you pinheads just STFU and go to another thread since this one is way way beyond what your IQ's can handle...

I haven't seen a single post from you, Alias or any of the other guntard imbeciles reflecting intellect rising above two digits. Your thread's ridiculous and I'll post in it all motherfucking day if I choose.
It didn't work in CT.

Is your contention that if a policy doesn't work once, it's bogus?

I didn't ask you if it worked in CT....I asked...

So in the case of would enforcing that law would it have be effective ? Who would have enforced the law ?

In other words, practicable methods....
I haven't seen a single post from you, Alias or any of the other guntard imbeciles reflecting intellect rising above two digits. Your thread's ridiculous and I'll post in it all motherfucking day if I choose.

Its your dime away.
I love how reetarded fuckhead righty trolls are.

you love onceler and legion


btw...have not seen one single intelligent non troll response from you in this thread

all you've done is act stupid and troll your worthless bullshit

i challenge you to discuss the issues instead of trolling.
all you see from the left is paranoid anti gun rants. the left needs to stop being so scared and discuss the topic intelligently
all you see from the left is paranoid anti gun rants. the left needs to stop being so scared and discuss the topic intelligently

That would be a welcome change.....but highly unlikely....

now lets get back to the topic.
the only legislation i see as working could be

ban all semi automatic weapons regardless of when they were purchased. such a ban would likely deter his mother from buying the semi automatic weapons.
the only legislation i see as working could be

ban all semi automatic weapons regardless of when they were purchased. such a ban would likely deter his mother from buying the semi automatic weapons.

She won't be buying any more weapons, semi-automatic or otherwise, dip shit.
No guns in homes where there are mentally ill people. Simple solution.

Put on your thinking cap for a moment. :) He tried to buy a gun and was denied. That means HE HAD NO GUN. So, if his wacko mother didn't have any in her house Adam wouldn't have got a gun. Surely even you can follow that reasoning. Or am I asking too much?

Bingo. Take all guns out of homes because as proven by his NRA loving mother, there is no such thing as a "responsible gun owner".

btw...Although I did have a problem with the horribly biased Townhall piece, I found it humorous that before I could read the opinion piece, I had to view a full page ad for Smirnoff Vodka. :)
the only legislation i see as working could be

ban all semi automatic weapons regardless of when they were purchased. such a ban would likely deter his mother from buying the semi automatic weapons.

Thats 10's or even 100's or millions of guns....most of the guns on the market today....and then there is the Constitution.... trigger pull, one shot.....not any different than some revolvers from the 1800' whats the point ?
I can't help your lack of reading comprehension....and no, I didn't ask IF it worked in CT....I ask HOW it would work ?

you see.....IF....HOW....different words...

You're one of the real dopey posters here. I said it didn't work, and likely wouldn't.

So - what's your point? It's an ineffective policy, because it didn't work in CT?
Thats 10's or even 100's or millions of guns....most of the guns on the market today....and then there is the Constitution.... trigger pull, one shot.....not any different than some revolvers from the 1800' whats the point ?

didn't you ask what legislation "could" work? i gave you a suggestion, i never said i agreed with it.

as to the constitution, the courts could say that semi automatics are not commonly used, not protected, thus, you have no right to own such a weapon. as to the number of guns, if the US wants to trash something, they are quite good at it.