Closed minded bitch. Good you can exclude yourself from the reasonable conversation. And since you don't own a gun your opinion doesn't matter. Stick to vagina issues
No, I think I'll stay right here, Alias. Don't like it? Tough shit.
Closed minded bitch. Good you can exclude yourself from the reasonable conversation. And since you don't own a gun your opinion doesn't matter. Stick to vagina issues
Here's some more reality: As a source, Townhall sucks and I won't read their crap. If you want to persuade people, you have to use substance and truth as a lure, not horseshit.
I love how reetarded fuckhead righty trolls are.
I'd be good if they just held Wayne LaPierre responsible.
Why don't you pinheads just STFU and go to another thread since this one is way way beyond what your IQ's can handle...
It didn't work in CT.
Is your contention that if a policy doesn't work once, it's bogus?
I haven't seen a single post from you, Alias or any of the other guntard imbeciles reflecting intellect rising above two digits. Your thread's ridiculous and I'll post in it all motherfucking day if I choose.
i hope one day I am the NRA president.
So in the case of would enforcing that law would it have be effective ? Who would have enforced the law ?
I love how reetarded fuckhead righty trolls are.
You didn't ask if it worked in CT?
all you see from the left is paranoid anti gun rants. the left needs to stop being so scared and discuss the topic intelligently
I can't help you lack of reading comprehension....and no, I didn't ask IF it worked in CT....I ask HOW it would work ?
you see.....IF....HOW....different words...
the only legislation i see as working could be
ban all semi automatic weapons regardless of when they were purchased. such a ban would likely deter his mother from buying the semi automatic weapons.
No guns in homes where there are mentally ill people. Simple solution.
Put on your thinking cap for a moment. He tried to buy a gun and was denied. That means HE HAD NO GUN. So, if his wacko mother didn't have any in her house Adam wouldn't have got a gun. Surely even you can follow that reasoning. Or am I asking too much?
the only legislation i see as working could be
ban all semi automatic weapons regardless of when they were purchased. such a ban would likely deter his mother from buying the semi automatic weapons.
I can't help your lack of reading comprehension....and no, I didn't ask IF it worked in CT....I ask HOW it would work ?
you see.....IF....HOW....different words...
Thats 10's or even 100's or millions of guns....most of the guns on the market today....and then there is the Constitution.... trigger pull, one shot.....not any different than some revolvers from the 1800' whats the point ?