After Spending Untold Billions to Remove the Taliban; Frist Says Bring Them Back

In what way, I ask again? You keep stating it but you never back it up.

In fact, you are the one trying to rewrite history -- as you cons almost always do. The fact is that your president was never really interested in Afghanistan, except as a pretext and precedent for invading Iraq. You elected a militaristic adventurer but now you want to cover the facts up with revisionist half-truths and misdirection.

Fact: we never committed the level of force to Afghanistan that we did to Iraq.

Fact: your man allowed the Taliban -- and Osama bin Laden too, most likely -- to escape from eastern Afghanistan by diverting troops to the preparations for the invasion of Iraq.

Fact: your man distorted the intelligence data by omission and mislead the American people to believe that Iraq posed an imminent threat and, worse, was somehow involved in the WTC and Pentagon attacks.

Fact: your man has never given the new Afghan government enough support to really address the Taliban problem. Indeed, its authority is highly questionable outside of Kabul.

The facts are that you lot have betrayed our national interest in pursuit of a long term, geopolitical goal.

The usual I hate Bush garbage is all you can spout. I already know that. You are irrelavent and not worth discussing anything with any further.
don't worry the terrorists are in their last gasps.

Not correct here, the terrorists are in their "last throes"!

I don't know exactly what a "throe" is, but that is what they are in, and indeed, in their last ones besides. Evidently everyone gets a certain limited number of throes at birth or sometime thereafter and you only have so many and the terrorists are just about out of them. I can't even find mine... so I don't if I used them all up or not. It's not fair if the terrorists get throes and the rest of us don't. But I don't know who to call about this. Anyone know who to call about missing throes???
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Not correct here, the terrorists are in their "last throes"!

I don't know exactly what a "throe" is, but that is what they are in, and indeed, in their last ones besides. Evidently everyone gets a certain limited number of throes at birth or sometime thereafter and you only have so many and the terrorists are just about out of them. I can't even find mine... so I don't if I used them all up or not. It's not fair if the terrorists get throes and the rest of us don't. But I don't know who to call about this. Anyone know who to call about missing throes???
I think my cats throe up hairballs all the time. In that instance, a throe sounds a lot like a gasp, so they're arguably synonymous in some contexts.

Honestly, I question anyone's ability to know how many throes any of us have in 'em. Suppose the terrorists had never used a single throe before March 2003? They might have a lot more throes left than the administration thinks.
Just more anti-Bush anti-America spin. We went into afgan to get bin laden, the taliban were his allies. We are still fighting there because they took to the mountains and hid out as they have done for hundreds of years. That's what makes the region so hard to control. Along with their hiding in pakistan and coming back across the border to launch attacks then retreat back. The war there has nothing to do with gas pipe lines. That excuse was brought out early in the war by the hate America groups.

according to you we never go to war for anything but resources. Never mind what type of government is in power there or how many died at their hands. Its just resources. What resources does NK have that we are after? Where exactly are these gas deposits we are after in afganhistan? We fought WW2 for which resources?

1. we have not attacked north korea have we?

2. i agree the talliban is JUST as dangerous as alqaeda....not against us... is there danger, but against all women of afghanistan.
The usual I hate Bush garbage is all you can spout. I already know that. You are irrelavent and not worth discussing anything with any further.

gaffer...are you that SIMPLE MINDED? SOMEONE GOES IN TO detail ON WHY AFGHANISTAN IS A MESS AND YOU only retort TO '''HE HATES BUSH, MOMMY'''??? would think you could debate the points ornot brought up?

but TYPICAL repub, you can only say, ''he hates bush mommy, bwhaaaaaaaaaa''

come onnnnn!
dano and gaffer...insist that your president and vp release the cheney ''energy task force'' meeting notes, if you TRUELY believe what you say....that the pipeline had nothing to do with it....

for goodness sakes, Harmi Karzi was a UNICOL Employee.....

do you think the afghanis put him in power? hahahaha...what simple minds you and gaffer have on this issue.... :(

YOU DON'T WANT TO find out the truth is how it appears, and that is just so frustrating.... :(

Strange thing is ... Ive seen Republican candidates and others getting their clocks cleaned on the cable news talk shows, Iraq and post 9/11 events... its a losing debate ... no way around it.. and it is sad....
The facts are facts ... one can no longer justify the events that have taken place and why we are or went into Iraq. One can only rationalize and see the picture for what it really is .... as ornot said... a geopolitical stratagy to dominate and create a major presence within a region of the world .. for the sake of OIL.

If this is not the cas then why havent we gone further with N. Korea.., or other regions where dictators and terrorists reside..why havent we liberated these people?