Aint it Great That We Have the Government Protecting Dogs From Cruelty

Sad for the rest of the team and fans. But it is the price of hero worship of one human.

btw for myself all pro sports could dissappear anytime and I would not care.
Butt I understand that they are an important part of life for many.

You're not of the jock sniffer culture, I take it.
another jackass brays.
What a logical argument, it can be easily shown to be fallacious using the "Rubber/Glue" argument.


I see you have once again provided us with insight as to why you think something during your fantastic example of what being a "good poster" is all about, we find that you do not indeed have anything at all to say about the subject other than silly ad hominems without regard to logic.
Yeah this is the guy that thought the priest jogging naked on the school track was ok....hmmm

I hope that just came accross wrong don.