Villified User
Perhaops Brent , perhaps.Hmm, I think not. Christ, for example, condemned fornication; yet you claim I am insane because I wish to save intimacy for marriage. Christ also commanded repentence. If you honestly admire this lifestyle, then I suggest you repent now and follow it. Jesus Christ atoned for your sins and rose from the grave so that you can have a personal relationship with God, just as Adam did, and so that you can have eternal life. The life of Christ is not over, nor will it ever end; Christ LIVES and He can live in YOU if you welcome Him into your life.![]()
Paul wrote most of what jesus "said". And a lot of words attributed to Jesus were not spoken by him according to biblical scholors.
Why did not jesus turn away the tainted lady and such people as her.
Try to learn and be a true Christian Brent. Not one of the lawfollowers that poul spoke against in ephesians and other places.