Al Gore Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize


Villified User
Al Gore Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Feb 01 6:29 AM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer

OSLO, Norway (AP) -- Former Vice President Al Gore was nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his wide-reaching efforts to draw the world's attention to the dangers of global warming, a Norwegian lawmaker said Thursday.
How does fighting global warming equate to fighting for peace?

Just goes to show how fucking ridiculous the nobel prize has become.
Darn, I guess Gore is presidential material now. A movie star and Nobel Peace prize nominee....

so dose that mean Rush Limbaugh is presidential material now too ?

Landmark Legal Foundation Nominates Rush Limbaugh for 2007 Nobel Peace Prize

Contact: Eric Christensen of Landmark Legal Foundation, +1-703-554-6100, +1-703-554-6119 (fax),

LEESBURG, Va., Feb. 1 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Landmark Legal Foundation today nominated nationally syndicated radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.

Limbaugh, whose daily radio show is heard by more than 20 million people on more than 600 radio stations in the United States and around the world, was nominated for the prestigious award for his "nearly two decades of tireless efforts to promote liberty, equality and opportunity for all humankind, regardless of race, creed, economic stratum or national origin. These are the only real cornerstones of just and lasting peace throughout the world," said Landmark President Mark R. Levin.

"Rush Limbaugh is the foremost advocate for freedom and democracy in the world today," explained Levin. "Everyday he gives voice to the values of democratic governance, individual opportunity and the just, equal application of the rule of law -- and it is fitting that the Nobel Committee recognize the power of these ideals to build a truly peaceful world for future generations."
well if thats the case... and these two are the front runners for pres... i will move to somewhare far away
Gore is a dumbass.... I let mother nature control the global climate. How arrogant does that idiot have to be to think that MAN can change anything as powerful as mother nature. The planet has gone through changes like this LONG before I even put man on the planet. But I guess "THIS TIME it must be man". Idiots.
Bob, Rush as opresidential material ? I don't think so, but I would love for the repubs to put him up on the stand :D
"GOD, Mother nature does not exist, GOD controls all. Or if she works for you you should fire her."

Sure she does.... and no way do I fire her. She makes things entertaining. OF course MAN is so powerful now, they can CONTROL nature. This will be very funny watching nature bitch slap man around for his arrogance.
"GOD, Mother nature does not exist, GOD controls all. Or if she works for you you should fire her."

Sure she does.... and no way do I fire her. She makes things entertaining. OF course MAN is so powerful now, they can CONTROL nature. This will be very funny watching nature bitch slap man around for his arrogance.

LOL, now there is one thing I agree with GOD on. :clink:
It is good to know that Gore is on your side.
Um... The Nobel Committee does not announce Nominees, nor do they confirm or deny such claims. Look at their website. Some Norwegian lawmaker saying this is so, does not make it so.
Just posting the article and commenting on it.
Must be that liberal Drudge site where I found it. they now say Rush LIntballs is also nominated ??? You are right definately a doubtful source.
Just posting the article and commenting on it.
Must be that liberal Drudge site where I found it. they now say Rush LIntballs is also nominated ??? You are right definately a doubtful source.
I am just posting what the Nobel Committee themselves say...

BTW - Drudge, more often than not, simply posts links to stories from other sources. Therefore while Drudge may be Righty, his links are not usually.
Well, Damo is nominated.... I think that makes him presidental material...

Ohh, btw I hereby nominate him for a Nobel Peace Prize!
I am just posting what the Nobel Committee themselves say...

BTW - Drudge, more often than not, simply posts links to stories from other sources. Therefore while Drudge may be Righty, his links are not usually.

But who picks the links to post on Drudge ? hmmmm
But who picks the links to post on Drudge ? hmmmm
It is generally controlled by an RSS feed that just posts the top stories from the sites he feeds from.

On occasion he puts forward his own stories, sometimes he even scoops the newsies, other times they are just speculation and are always "developing".
"It is good to know that Gore is on your side."

Nope, he is just a pandering idiot that THINKS man has caused global warming. Never mind it has occurred as part of global cycles since before I even decided to go ahead with the experiment that is man.