Al Gore Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

"I hope you flunked Creation 101 God
Your experiment has not worked out too well."

See... that is the beauty of my giving you free will.... it allows every a-hole an opinion... no matter how wrong they might be. :shots:
"I hope you flunked Creation 101 God
Your experiment has not worked out too well."

See... that is the beauty of my giving you free will.... it allows every a-hole an opinion... no matter how wrong they might be. :shots:

Methinks you shorted humans a bit on the common sense and overdosed them on hormones and pride.
So failure was part of your plan ? You sound like a neocon :D
"Methinks you shorted humans a bit on the common sense and overdosed them on hormones and pride.
So failure was part of your plan ? You sound like a neocon "

Such a tool. My plan extends long after you are gone (3:48 tomorrow... beware the fat man) You are FAR too shortsighted to see the long term success that is coming. Especially the year 21302... now THAT will be a great year for everyone.:hedb:
Not telling. But it only gives you 24 minutes to worry tomorrow. I thought narrowing it down a bit would help.... but NOOOOOOOOOO that still isn't good enough for you. Greedy bastard.
I write some code, details are needed. As vague as you are it is no wonder hoomans turned out so poorly.
"I write some code, details are needed. As vague as you are it is no wonder hoomans turned out so poorly."

Haven't you ever heard of evolution? It is what hoomans BECOME that is so cool.
"Reversal ? I knew you were a darned flip flopper...."

Hey now... I didn't MAKE you all slowly reverse... you brought that on yourselves.... free will does not mean "free from making moronic mistakes"
This brings up a thought. I went to a Freewill Baptist church a few times and they seem to promote anything but freewill in there....
You need to have a talk with a few of your sheep. What happened to the god of old with balls, all we have now is a wussy god. Zot a few sinners out there.
In Exodus it pretty much gives lie to the whole Free Will thing. God chose to first lie to Pharaoh by telling Moses and Aaron to ask for three free days to worship as needed, then it says that God "hardened Pharaoh's heart" thus directly causing Pharaoh to say "no", his free will was completely undermined. He was, at that time, a puppet.

Later when Pharaoh finally agreed to the three days and then suddenly realized he had been lied to, God instructed the Israelites to steal all they could from their "owners" and gave them (the owners) a little adjustment of the pumping muscle making them give away all those things they wouldn't, again puppets.

Then when Pharaoh, pissed because he had been lied to, sends troops they all get killed in a flood directly caused by God....
