Al Gore Won Florida By 77,000 Votes

Al Gore would have been a superior president to GWB.

-Positive action on the Climate Crisis.

-Possibly no 911. Clinton already went after Bin Laden with cruise missiles. W abandoned the effort.

-Perhaps no Afghanistan War.

-No Iraq War.


-No market deregulation which led to the 2008 financial crisis.

Oh, what a wonderful world we missed out on.

Hello Cypress,

It would be a different world. We would have taken the Climate Crisis far more seriously back when there was still time to make a much bigger difference.

The wildfires attacking Lake Tahoe would probably not exist.

All the people who just lost their lives in the wake of Hurricane Ida might still be alive.

And we may have never begun the Afghanistan War, certainly not the Iraq War.

We would not have ISIS.

Wow, what a world we missed out on.

Except it was about money not the environment. I saw Gore two different times, both times he spoke inside while 6 black suburbans left running were sitting outside. He was a major fraud. Thank God Al Gore lost, we escaped two catastrophes between him and Hillary
I do believe that if you use a standard of intent of the voter, Gore won Florida and the 2000 election. It was not cheating on Bush's part, but a failure of the system. Bush (I think based on the situation) rightfully won the legal argument, because it was impossible to set an after the fact standard for 'intent of the voter' after the system failed. Bush, after starting the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, did win the vote based on the intent of the voter, which does not speak well for the American voter.

Those I know, that voted in both 2000 and 2016, supported both Bush and Trump. A typical 'W' voter was of the same ilk as a typical Donnie voter.
Hello Jarod,

I do believe that if you use a standard of intent of the voter, Gore won Florida and the 2000 election. It was not cheating on Bush's part, but a failure of the system. Bush (I think based on the situation) rightfully won the legal argument, because it was impossible to set an after the fact standard for 'intent of the voter' after the system failed. Bush, after starting the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, did win the vote based on the intent of the voter, which does not speak well for the American voter.

Those I know, that voted in both 2000 and 2016, supported both Bush and Trump. A typical 'W' voter was of the same ilk as a typical Donnie voter.

I felt that the SCOTUS acted prematurely in shutting down the Florida vote count. It should have been allowed to proceed. I believe Gore would have been proclaimed the winner.

Katherine Harris should have been investigated for illegal voter roll purge.

That was a travesty.

Gore was cheated out of a legitimate win, and our nation lost as a result.
Hello Jarod,

I felt that the SCOTUS acted prematurely in shutting down the Florida vote count. It should have been allowed to proceed. I believe Gore would have been proclaimed the winner.

Katherine Harris should have been investigated for illegal voter roll purge.

That was a travesty.

Gore was cheated out of a legitimate win, and our nation lost as a result.

I would not go so far as saying cheated, but I think if the intent of the voters was accurately counted, Gore would have won. There would not have been an Iraq war, and maybe not an Afghan war.
Hello Jarod,

I would not go so far as saying cheated, but I think if the intent of the voters was accurately counted, Gore would have won. There would not have been an Iraq war, and maybe not an Afghan war.

Well, I suppose that implies actual cheating, which I do not believe occurred.

But Gore was unfairly denied what appeared to be a win by a set of unfortunate circumstances, some of which were orchestrated by Republicans.

Really, in the end, America lost the 2000 election.