Al-Qaeda threatens to blow up the White House


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Al-Qaeda's Iraq chief threatened in an audio message posted on the Internet that the terror network will blow up the White House: "We swear we will not rest from our jihad... before blowing up the filthiest house, dubbed the White House."

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Al-Qaeda's Iraq chief threatened in an audio message posted on the Internet that the terror network will blow up the White House: "We swear we will not rest from our jihad... before blowing up the filthiest house, dubbed the White House."

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They succeeded...Mecca and Medina would cease to exist within 24hrs of the event! This would signal the end of Islam...forever!:blowup:
They succeeded...Mecca and Medina would cease to exist within 24hrs of the event! This would signal the end of Islam...forever!:blowup:
Oooo, what tough talk. Public masturbation is frowned on in most cultures, however.

Kill millions of people and destroy the United States, simply in retaliation for the killing of one village idiot and tearing down one dated building? I don't think so.
Oooo, what tough talk. Public masturbation is frowned on in most cultures, however.

Kill millions of people and destroy the United States, simply in retaliation for the killing of one village idiot and tearing down one dated building? I don't think so.

Trust me, with my luck, bush is going to survive it anyway. We can rebuild the White House, and I just have this trust that we would get it done fast, and even better than the original, unlike a certain American city thrown to the wolves.

We can also bring to justice those responsible, which would include the idiots who did it, but also the planners.

That just strikes me as a whole lot better than killing unimaginable amount of children and other innocents, in a horrific manner. But then, I'm human.
Excuse me....!

Oooo, what tough talk. Public masturbation is frowned on in most cultures, however.

Kill millions of people and destroy the United States, simply in retaliation for the killing of one village idiot and tearing down one dated building? I don't think so.

Ya better lay off the meds...The 'White House' is the symbol of the US...and "Killing" our President is okay with you? As for about Mecca and Medina? This is the home of all radical terrorist groups...they receive support and money from the Clerics et al...!...Shame on you for your comments!
Ya better lay off the meds...The 'White House' is the symbol of the US...and "Killing" our President is okay with you? As for about Mecca and Medina? This is the home of all radical terrorist groups...they receive support and money from the Clerics et al...!...Shame on you for your comments!

I thought the flag was "the symbol" of the US? I can't keep up with you guys and your symbols.

Killing anyone is not ok with him. He, being a rational human being, simply does not see the sense, or the humanity, in burning to death millions of innocent children and women and men who had nothing to do with it.

Sane people are funny that way.
Oh pa-lease...

I thought the flag was "the symbol" of the US? I can't keep up with you guys and your symbols.

Killing anyone is not ok with him. He, being a rational human being, simply does not see the sense, or the humanity, in burning to death millions of innocent children and women and men who had nothing to do with it.

Sane people are funny that way.

Killing of women and children was not mentioned by me...this is a worn out argument by the far this when we sing Kumbia! Why don't y'all volunteer and go over and see first hand who and what we are fighting rather than sit in your warm and cozy house and belittle those who with a sad heart must take control to save your sorry butts!
You have a bomb in your post with the words: "Mecca and Medina would cease to exist within 24hrs of the event! "

Are you stupid? Are you really sitting there in your living room imagining that bombs don't kill people? Not to mention that you were clearly implying nuclear bombs, and when Ornot mentioned the "death of millions" you did not correct him.

I don't need the likes of animals like you to keep me safe. I'm not so worried about being kept "safe" that I believe my life is worth the death of thousands or millions of kids.

And if you think that your life is, then you better get on the medication, and stop worrying about what Ornot is taking.

I never cease to marvel at how important republicans feel their lives are in comparison to the lives of others, nor of how frightened they are.
Learn to read....

You have a bomb in your post with the words: "Mecca and Medina would cease to exist within 24hrs of the event! "

Are you stupid? Are you really sitting there in your living room imagining that bombs don't kill people? Not to mention that you were clearly implying nuclear bombs, and when Ornot mentioned the "death of millions" you did not correct him.

I don't need the likes of animals like you to keep me safe. I'm not so worried about being kept "safe" that I believe my life is worth the death of thousands or millions of kids.

And if you think that your life is, then you better get on the medication, and stop worrying about what Ornot is taking.

I never cease to marvel at how important republicans feel their lives are in comparison to the lives of others, nor of how frightened they are.

and comprehend...the 'smilie' was a face blowing up!...And Mecca and Medina could be taken out without the use of a 'Nuke' implied that I implied a Nuke would be uninformed about military tactics y'all are! Then again all ya do is sit in your cozy or not so cozy homeboy digs and contemplate how you can destroy the will of our soldiers to continue the fight! And for the record I am not a Republican...I am a registered conservative "Independent American" party member! Question for you...Are you a practicing Muslim? Just curious....
If you weren't talking about obliterating the mid-east (and I believe you were and are now squirming), you should have cleared that up in this exchange:

Originally Posted by OrnotBitwise
Oooo, what tough talk. Public masturbation is frowned on in most cultures, however.

Kill millions of people and destroy the United States, simply in retaliation for the killing of one village idiot and tearing down one dated building? I don't think so.

Originally posted by BlackFlag "Ya better lay off the meds...The 'White House' is the symbol of the US...and "Killing" our President is okay with you? As for about Mecca and Medina? This is the home of all radical terrorist groups...they receive support and money from the Clerics et al...!...Shame on you for your comments!"

As to your question, shove it.

(Damo, I was going to say go fuck yourself instead of shove it, but I'm trying to be polite to your nutty friends. No need to say thanks, I know you feel it)

If you weren't talking about obliterating the mid-east (and I believe you were and are now squirming), you should have cleared that up in this exchange:

Originally Posted by OrnotBitwise
Oooo, what tough talk. Public masturbation is frowned on in most cultures, however.

Kill millions of people and destroy the United States, simply in retaliation for the killing of one village idiot and tearing down one dated building? I don't think so.

Originally posted by BlackFlag "Ya better lay off the meds...The 'White House' is the symbol of the US...and "Killing" our President is okay with you? As for about Mecca and Medina? This is the home of all radical terrorist groups...they receive support and money from the Clerics et al...!...Shame on you for your comments!"

As to your question, shove it.

(Damo, I was going to say go fuck yourself instead of shove it, but I'm trying to be polite to your nutty friends. No need to say thanks, I know you feel it)

So it is fair to assume y'all are Muslim? And the rant about "Black Flag" friends tells all...and hun learn to comprehend once again...ya said the 'F' word in this
Trust me, with my luck, bush is going to survive it anyway. We can rebuild the White House, and I just have this trust that we would get it done fast, and even better than the original, unlike a certain American city thrown to the wolves.

We can also bring to justice those responsible, which would include the idiots who did it, but also the planners.

That just strikes me as a whole lot better than killing unimaginable amount of children and other innocents, in a horrific manner. But then, I'm human.
Yeah, there is that. Blow up the damned building, kill dozens of innocent staffers and miss Dubya entirely. That would be par for the course.
So it is fair to assume y'all are Muslim? And the rant about "Black Flag" friends tells all...and hun learn to comprehend once again...ya said the 'F' word in this

Assume whatever you like.

Yes I did "use the f word" in the post...that's called "irony".
Ya better lay off the meds...The 'White House' is the symbol of the US...and "Killing" our President is okay with you? As for about Mecca and Medina? This is the home of all radical terrorist groups...they receive support and money from the Clerics et al...!...Shame on you for your comments!
I don't care about symbols much, no. I certainly don't hold with killing people over them. I'd rather burn the entire white house down than have one innocent person die. Buildings are just buildings after all.

Where, pray tell, did I say that killing the president would be "okay" with me? I said nothing of the kind. I just don't think that the asassination of the president -- any president, even one I respected -- justifies killing millions of people, anywhere. It's a matter of proportion. Just because "they" do something heinous does not justify any and all violent retribution.

That's one of the problems with you cons: you don't want to grow up. You wallow in your childish emotions even where innocent lives are at stake.

In ohter words, there's a vast expanse of real estate between doing nothing, on the one hand, and nuking Mecca and Medina. Nothing, nothing at all, ever, would justify nuking Mecca and Medina.
LOL...once again...

I don't care about symbols much, no. I certainly don't hold with killing people over them. I'd rather burn the entire white house down than have one innocent person die. Buildings are just buildings after all.

Where, pray tell, did I say that killing the president would be "okay" with me? I said nothing of the kind. I just don't think that the asassination of the president -- any president, even one I respected -- justifies killing millions of people, anywhere. It's a matter of proportion. Just because "they" do something heinous does not justify any and all violent retribution.

That's one of the problems with you cons: you don't want to grow up. You wallow in your childish emotions even where innocent lives are at stake.

In ohter words, there's a vast expanse of real estate between doing nothing, on the one hand, and nuking Mecca and Medina. Nothing, nothing at all, ever, would justify nuking Mecca and Medina.

You are talking outta your 'arse' once again...kinda /sorta like Darla...I never mentioned 'Nukes' but ya did say it was okay to eliminate the President...revisit your original comments about the 'Whitehouse' and the Pres! Squirm again!
You are talking outta your 'arse' once again...kinda /sorta like Darla...I never mentioned 'Nukes' but ya did say it was okay to eliminate the President...revisit your original comments about the 'Whitehouse' and the Pres! Squirm again!
Are you in the habit of lying or do you simply have a problem with reading comprehension?

1) You stated that Mecca and Medina would "cease to exist" soon after the white house was bombed. True, you did not use any of the phrases "nuke", "nuking" or "vaporized in a fireball of uncontrolled fusion byproducts" but the implication was clear. This is the same wriggly worm-logic by which some children still claim that Dubya didn't lie because he never used the exact word "imminent" during the run up to war.

I don't care whether you want to cause Mecca and Medina to "cease to exist" by means of nuclear explosives or more conventional arms. It's equally immoral either way.

2) Nowhere did I state that it was okay to eliminate the president. Not even this president. Not even Ronald Reagan, whom I consider to have been, quite literally, a traitor to this nation. Here is what I said:
ill millions of people and destroy the United States, simply in retaliation for the killing of one village idiot and tearing down one dated building? I don't think so.
No reasonable person could extract from this that I think it's "okay" to kill the president. It you do then this simply demonstrates that you aren't a reasonable person.

Are you in the habit of lying or do you simply have a problem with reading comprehension?

1) You stated that Mecca and Medina would "cease to exist" soon after the white house was bombed. True, you did not use any of the phrases "nuke", "nuking" or "vaporized in a fireball of uncontrolled fusion byproducts" but the implication was clear. This is the same wriggly worm-logic by which some children still claim that Dubya didn't lie because he never used the exact word "imminent" during the run up to war.

I don't care whether you want to cause Mecca and Medina to "cease to exist" by means of nuclear explosives or more conventional arms. It's equally immoral either way.

2) Nowhere did I state that it was okay to eliminate the president. Not even this president. Not even Ronald Reagan, whom I consider to have been, quite literally, a traitor to this nation. Here is what I said:
No reasonable person could extract from this that I think it's "okay" to kill the president. It you do then this simply demonstrates that you aren't a reasonable person.


Ornot, this is the same lunatic who is claiming that I am "pretending to be a Muslim" because I refused to deny that I'm a Muslim.

This guy is nothing but a dishonest dick.
Your post....#3

Are you in the habit of lying or do you simply have a problem with reading comprehension?

1) You stated that Mecca and Medina would "cease to exist" soon after the white house was bombed. True, you did not use any of the phrases "nuke", "nuking" or "vaporized in a fireball of uncontrolled fusion byproducts" but the implication was clear. This is the same wriggly worm-logic by which some children still claim that Dubya didn't lie because he never used the exact word "imminent" during the run up to war.

I don't care whether you want to cause Mecca and Medina to "cease to exist" by means of nuclear explosives or more conventional arms. It's equally immoral either way.

2) Nowhere did I state that it was okay to eliminate the president. Not even this president. Not even Ronald Reagan, whom I consider to have been, quite literally, a traitor to this nation. Here is what I said:
No reasonable person could extract from this that I think it's "okay" to kill the president. It you do then this simply demonstrates that you aren't a reasonable person.


in this thread..."Killing of one Village idiot" Please explain...professor!
Ornot, this is the same lunatic who is claiming that I am "pretending to be a Muslim" because I refused to deny that I'm a Muslim.

This guy is nothing but a dishonest dick.
Freeper, methinks. 'E be playin' games. Kind of like "Yo momma is SO __________ ."