Al-Qaeda threatens to blow up the White House


Ornot, this is the same lunatic who is claiming that I am "pretending to be a Muslim" because I refused to deny that I'm a Muslim.

This guy is nothing but a dishonest dick.

and from the mouths of phoney babes...who gets off using the "F" word and calls guys "Dicks" Penis envy hun? or are ya embarrased about failing English 101?
in this thread..."Killing of one Village idiot" Please explain...professor!
Only a morally degenerate con would think that it's okay to kill village idiots. I certainly don't think it's okay to kill village idiots. In fact, it's kind of tragic. A real man would try to avoid killing the village idiot, it seems to me.

Yeah, I think that Dubya is a criminal and a butthead. I don't hold with capital punishment even in cases where there's a fair trial, however. Even he doesn't deserve to die.

Only a morally degenerate con would think that it's okay to kill village idiots. I certainly don't think it's okay to kill village idiots. In fact, it's kind of tragic. A real man would try to avoid killing the village idiot, it seems to me.

Yeah, I think that Dubya is a criminal and a butthead. I don't hold with capital punishment even in cases where there's a fair trial, however. Even he doesn't deserve to die.

Like I told darla...ya can run and dodge but can't hide...ya said it dude not me!
Backtracking is sooo unbecomming!
Like I told darla...ya can run and dodge but can't hide...ya said it dude not me!
Backtracking is sooo unbecomming!
LOL! I'm not hiding at all, dude. You seem to be the one trying tio avoid detection . . . of the fact that you're making things up out of whole cloth.


I stand by what I said. Nowhere in this did I even suggest that it was "okay" to kill the president. All I said was that it's not "okay" to kill millions of people in retaliation for killing the president.
Kill millions of people and destroy the United States, simply in retaliation for the killing of one village idiot and tearing down one dated building? I don't think so.