Alabama ex-cop says she was tasked with keeping Moore away from cheerleaders

Alex Jones is a kook. I don't have anything to do with infowars. Do you ever get anything right? Lol.

She's a meth abuser and a rayciss.

Look at these posts of hers:

I spit in the face of the black guy.

Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.

If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".

She's a disgusting, drug-addled skank.
There seems to be more than enough for the Governor of Alabama to say that she believes all the women, as do the major Alabama newspapers.

Except that's not what she said, as I told you already today, cum gargler.

What she said was that she had no reason to disbelieve the accusers.

Now she does have reasons to disbelieve the accusers.

BTW, list these "major Alabama newspapers", and link to their alleged belief, cum gargler.

I suspect you are lying.
An admission of guilt and a photo are evidence, cum gargler.

Allegations by Weinstein accusers have yet to be proven or disproven, just like Moore's.

He didnt admitt guilt of anything but making a BAD JOKE

he plainly said he does not remember the incident like she recalls it

It was the gentlemanly way of disagreeing with her take on the event and NOT INSULTING others who have been true victims.

You evil shits just cant understand such actions
Watch the video of the interview. It's absolutely hilarious;)
I'm convinced:) (
and when the pictures of him rubbing up against little girls come out you will claim hes just being nice to little girls huh.

at least now when your shits do this stuff most little girls will have phones to record it on huh
and when the pictures of him rubbing up against little girls come out you will claim hes just being nice to little girls huh. at least now when your shits do this stuff most little girls will have phones to record it on huh


Okay, so I'm sure there must be some official documentation to back up the interviewee, right? Link?
What sites do you deem 'credible'? Gary has been quoted by many, after a Times article where she stated that Moore's attraction to young girls was 'treated like a joke'.