Alan Turing and Morphogenesis

Not recognized? Hell he's considered the father of modern computing. On almost every list of the top 10 or 20 scientist in history Allen Turing is almost inevitably on that list. How can you say he isn't recognized. You've even contradicted that with the Apple comment.

How many people do you think know about the origin of the Apple symbol?
i have listened to both, and studied both. why don't you listen or read arguments in favor of literal creation instead of simply calling it nonsense or stupid. ever read harold g. coffin's book? i am willing to bet i have a more open mind than you. you go around dismissing anything religious as stupid. we all know intelligent and educated people are actually more open to other ideas and don't go around simply dismissing things out of hand and calling them stupid, evil, or whatever else you and grind say.

For literal creation to be true, God would've had to put light from stars billions away in midair so that it would reach us at this time. Occam's razor immediately annihilates this, as it has no evidence to back it up either.

There is no intelligent creationist. Reading anything by them is just an experiment in how much you can roll your eyes and point out logical fallacies.
For literal creation to be true, God would've had to put light from stars billions away in midair so that it would reach us at this time.

??? do you come to that conclusion.....

(by the way, there is no "air" midway between us and the stars.....thus, nothing could have been created in "midair")
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I believe that what the bible says in Genesis 1:1 is literally true....
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"

therefore, I am a "creationist"......

nothing in that statement requires that God create light midway between us and a star......
I believe that what the bible says in Genesis 1:1 is literally true....
"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth"

therefore, I am a "creationist"......

nothing in that statement requires that God create light midway between us and a star......

Light travels at a definite speed. If the world were 6000 years old, light from stars lightyears away would've had to been created midway showing pictures of a universe billions of years old that never actually existed.

You can reconcile this using some liberal interpretation of Genesis that allows for a scientifically correct worldview. I would, of course, also believe such an interpretation to be incorrect, but I wouldn't care that much (if you would like to state your position and debate it, that would be fine though).

I had always gotten the sense that you were a biblical literalist and a young earth creationist though.
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If the world were 6000 years old
there is nothing in the bible that says the world is 6000 years old....has it ever struck you as amusing that you have more in common with the Reverend Phelps than I do.......atheists, the Rev Phelps, and about four percent of Christians think that Christians have to believe the world was created 6000 years ago.....

I had always gotten the sense that you were a biblical literalist and a young earth creationist though.
ah, but you have no sense....considering the fact that I have TOLD you I wasn't about a half dozen times, I find it hard to believe you've had a thought process at all......
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