Alaska's Universal Basic Income, Supported By Liberals and Conservatives Under Attack

Hello anonymoose,

Really? That's $133.33/ mo. to live in a place that has the sixth highest cost of living index in the country. I personally don't see how anyone can live off that entirely.

Some live mostly off the land, fishing and hunting, others are very poor and also utilize government services. True, only a very few live entirely off the Alaskan UBI.


Posted by PoliTalker: "For most, it augments their income and contributes to the Alaskan economy."

That is true. What do you think $444,000,000 in cuts will do to the Alaskan economy?

Thank you.
Hello anonymoose,

... why do you post a vid about the rest of America? We're talking about our state, Alaska.

Last time I checked, Alaska is PART of the United Sates. That video INCLUDED Alaska, did not exclude Alaska.

No, there's not enough super wealthy living in AK who can give up most of their income to redistribute to the rest of the population.

Alaska registers right about in the middle of the range of wealth inequality of US States, according to the

GINI Index .

You should be happy about that. It preserves the PFD.

'scuze me. He VETOED preventing the legislature from spending some of the money.

Can't raise what isn't there to begin with. We have no state income tax.
Right . He won in a landslide. He campaigned on exactly what he's doing. Like I said the only way to preserve the PFD was to make drastic cuts.

Or tax the rich more. Or have some of the general taxes that most States have.

"The legislature previously raided the fund."

Uh, yeah. So what's your point?

It was never intended to be available for the legislature to spend. It was for the people. That was the concept.

... This has been big news for yrs. now. Either preserve the PFD and make drastic cuts or raid the PFD and don't make cuts. The last governor and legislature raided the PFD. He didn't even bother running again he was so unpopular. We've been spoiled for a long time. No taxes, and a PFD. Something had to give. The voters want their PFD, damn all else. Not good.

You are entitled to your view, but that doesn't mean the entire State feels the same way. The PFD accounts for a portion of the economy. No PFD, the economy is reduced. The Alaska property taxes do average around 1%, so it's not like Alaska has no taxes. Alaska is one of the few States which have no sales tax or income tax. If Alaskans want more out of their government, then they will decide to implement a sales tax or an income tax. Small governments can get away with that kind of no taxes thing for a while, but as populations grow, it becomes necessary to have more revenue to provide more services to society.
Hello Celticguy,

Some people live off it entirely. For most, it augments their income and contributes to the Alaskan economy.

Some out in the bush villages, maybe, but to most ppl it just augments whatever income they already have. A lot of ppl use it to make large purchases like cars, appliances, etc.

When Palin was on the 2008 ticket, I thought her rants about socialism were especially hypocritical given that the PFD is about as socialist as you can get. Plus she was popular as half-governor for raising taxes on the oil & gas companies, which allowed for a larger distribution during her tenure.