Albert Einstein born March 14, 1879

Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind. Albert Einstein

Exactly the sort of thing I find so commendable about Einstein. His hostility to nationalism and xenophobia was genuine, passionate, and sustained - and he had the moral courage to use his fame to promote his liberal, humanitarian, pacifist, and socialist creed - even when it put him on the radar of rightwing fascists like J. Edgar Hoover, German militarists, and the Nazis.

His opposition to nationalism was so authentic and sustained it stretched across space and time (pun intended) manifesting as his opposition to German militarism in WW1, German fascism, the American conservative communist witch hunts in the 1950s , and radical Jewish nationalist Zionism in Palestine.

One of my favorite Einstein quotes

“Great spirits have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.” - Albert Einstein
On this date in 1879, Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany.

He happens to be one of my personal "hero's" I'm calling his birthday to the attention of the forum participants.

One of my favorite pictures of me is one my wife took of me in Madame Taussaud's in The City.


Exactly the sort of thing I find so commendable about Einstein. His hostility to nationalism and xenophobia was genuine, passionate, and sustained - and he had the moral courage to use his fame to promote his liberal, humanitarian, pacifist, and socialist creed - even when it put him on the radar of rightwing fascists like J. Edgar Hoover, German militarists, and the Nazis.

His opposition to nationalism was so authentic and sustained it stretched across space and time (pun intended) manifesting as his opposition to German militarism in WW1, German fascism, the American conservative communist witch hunts in the 1950s , and radical Jewish nationalist Zionism in Palestine.

One of my favorite Einstein quotes

:lolup:This from a low IQ moron who bows to the ideology of Marxist socialism, Fascistic attacks on free speech and liberty and the DNC. Priceless!! :laugh:
Exactly the sort of thing I find so commendable about Einstein. His hostility to nationalism and xenophobia was genuine, passionate, and sustained - and he had the moral courage to use his fame to promote his liberal, humanitarian, pacifist, and socialist creed - even when it put him on the radar of rightwing fascists like J. Edgar Hoover, German militarists, and the Nazis.

His opposition to nationalism was so authentic and sustained it stretched across space and time (pun intended) manifesting as his opposition to German militarism in WW1, German fascism, the American conservative communist witch hunts in the 1950s , and radical Jewish nationalist Zionism in Palestine.

One of my favorite Einstein quotes

I hope you will share that with guno.