All Christians deserve to die


Christians knowingly worship and love someone who they believe constantly tortures human beings for all eternity for no other reason than the sadistic pleasure that he gets out of watching people suffer. They are proponents of torture, and worship the Lord of Torture, what they admit is the knowing cause of all that is evil in the universe. This makes them the opponents of humanity, and humanity should spit on them as they spit on humanity. Christians are life unworthy of life. They are like someone who praises John Wayne Gacy Jr.'s acts, and we should treat them no different - light the evil bastards on fire and laugh as they burn. Take joy in their evil being cleansed from this world. Hopefully, one day there will be no evil Christians plaguing humanity. DEATH TO CHRISTIANS!
Christians worship and love someone who they believe tortures human beings for eternity for no other reason than the pleasure that he gets out of watching people suffer. They are proponents of torture, and worship the Lord of Torture, what they admit is the cause of all that is evil in the universe. This makes them the opponents of humanity, and humanity should spit on them as they spit on humanity. Christians are unworthy of life. They are like someone who praises John Wayne Gacy Jr.'s acts, and we should treat them no different - light the bastards on fire and laugh as they burn. Take joy in their being cleansed from this world. Hopefully, one day there will be no Christians plaguing humanity. DEATH TO CHRISTIANS!
There.....that's much better now! :)
he Nazis had various methods for torturing Jews. The first torture was the train transport to the camps often lasting several days without food or water, crowded into cattle trucks.

the jews were then split up and their hair was cut this was to be done naked and under the eyes of anyone this means girls of all ages would have had their hair cut whilst naked by men who were 40 and same for men who would have had their hair cut by women

jews were not allowed to have hair so whenever their hair was growing too long they would be put through the same procedure again (most jews would have been dead after 3 of them)

after the haircuts the jews would be selected for gassing this meant they would all be placed in a room and that mustard gas would be sprayed on them

If they survived selection for gassing, most Jews were slowly and systematically starved to death. This was made even worse because while they were being denied proper food, they were expected to do manual labour for long hours, despite being hungry and thirsty. Typical rations at a camp would consist of a cup of black coffee and a slice of bread for breakfast. Lunch was watery soup with some added cereal, and supper was a cup of water and another slice of bread. Once a week they might get a piece of sausage or jam, so while the food was not non-existent, it was calculated to starve the Jews into corpses.

Guards beat those prisoners who they felt were not working hard enough. Sometimes the guards beat the prisoners for no reason at all. Prisoners were routinely shot or selected for gassing for minor transgressions. If the prisoners became too thin to work, then there were regular selections where the weak ones would be selected for gassing. Sometimes Jews were publicly hanged at roll call time.

Other Jewish prisoners froze to death because they were not allowed to have any warm clothing or protection from the elements, and winters were very harsh. Often the Jews were forced to get up at 2am or 3 am and stand outside for a roll call (Appell) for many hours at a time in the freezing night. If they fell down in roll call, they were beaten up. They were forced to sleep in wooden stable barracks on the floor or hard wooden boards, often with 3 or even 5 people in a bed.

Still others were experimented on by the notoriously brutal Dr. Mengele who used Jews to test out his own particular scientific theories.
Families were split up on arrival and the women with children plus the young and old selected for gassing. Sometimes the guards would pull a child from a mother, and swing it round, smashing the childs head onto a wall, killing it. This was true of people who were about to be gassed. This torture made some Jews go crazy and either attack the guards whereupon they would be shot or the Jews would commit suicide by throwing themselves on the electrified fence.

At the end of the war, the Russians were capturing Poland where most of the camps were, so the Nazis moved the Jews back to Germany in death marches lasting days without food or water. Any person who couldn't keep up was shot. Many of these Jews ended up at Bergen-Belsen which was heavily overcrowded and rife with typhus and had no food or water. A large number of the starving Jews who survived till then, caught typhus and died. Anne Frank was one such Jew who tortured at Auschwitz and died of typhus at Bergen-Belsen.

the jewish people nor the people of germany would have known the horror that went on behind the electric fences of the concerntration camps making it more horrifying when they arrived. the people of germany beleived that the camps were just a way of seperating jewish society from regular society without even knowing about the torture

for film depictions of such torture i suggest the following movies , schindlers list, the diary of anne frank, and the boy in the striped pyjamas

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Christians fantasize about atrocities even worse than this being done to their fellow human beings every day.
[Citation needed]

Do you enjoy your fantasy of me getting brutally tortured? Do you think you'll have a direct link in heaven so that you can watch me constantly scream in neverending agony? Will you bring your whole family to watch?

1. Bible.
2. Its not something I'd care to watch, no.
Christians fantasize about atrocities even worse than this being done to their fellow human beings every day.

Mustard gas was never used in the concentration camps, it had been used in WW1 but on enemy soldiers, Zyklon B was mainly used and this was a form of hydrogen cyanide.