All the Women Who Have Spoken Out Against Joe Biden

ANYONE THINK drummie is concerned about women or victims other than himself & trump?? :laugh:

He has zero creditability..

Had he done the same w/ the countless trump victims he could prob muster an argument, but he is simply running cover for his mango master....... Sad, this is an adult cult member gone amuck..

why are you accusing him of being like you?.....
Yes, Biden is a space invader, there are people who don’t like their space invaderd. Biden has learned some time people aren’t comfortable with it. I haven’t heard of any accusations since.

Tara Reade is a proven liar and scam artist.

He did all his disgusting deeds and inept, sexual, criminal, corruption, perverse, treasonous and racist acts while masquerading as a decent, honest, competent, respectable Senator or VP, when he was actually a disgusting lying piece of shit.