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The president and his allies are fully invested in trying to discredit and destroy Michael Cohen, repeatedly calling Cohen a liar. Yes!!! Yes, that is true. He's a completely unreliable character. But that's not OUR fault., We're the people on the outside of Trumps insane tangle of lies, trying to get to the truth.*
We have to deal with what Trump has given us, and he has surrounded himself with liars.*
He's a liar. His kids are liars. Everyone around him is a liar. The Trump campaign organization is full of on-the-record liars who have been indicted or pleaded guilty for lying.
President Trump does not get to defend himself by saying everyone around me is an unrepentant liar. Yes. That's the problem. And amoung this miasma of lies, we're the ones trying to figure out the facts. What did he do? What did the president do? What crimes has he possibly committed or not committed? What exactly happened with the Russians or didn't happen?*
I just want to know what the facts are, but we cannot know them because the President and everyone around him lie constantly. I would like it to be that there is one reliable person in Trump's organization, but there's not. And the thing is now, his organization is our government! Ours. Represents us!
Everyone who worked for the president, basically, is a liar. Paul Manafort is a liar. Rick Gates is a liar. George Papadopolous is a liar. Michael Flynn is a liar. Jared Kushner is a liar. Don Jr is a liar. Ivanka is a liar. Everyone of them is a liar. John Kelly got up and lied. Kirstjen Nielsen got up and lied. Mike Pompeo, lied. Sean Spicer lied publicly nearly every time he opened his mouth. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has done exactly the same thing. They all lied. They lie about big things and they lie about small things. They lie about consequential things and they lie about trivial nonsense and then when they get caught lying, they don't even admit it.
The best example is that Trump lied for years, about the Trump Tower Moscow deal, whether or not he was working on it during the campaign. His personal lawyer pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about it and then the President who lied about it over and over and over and over again comes out and he's like "Yeah. Yep. I wanted to build a tower and pursued it throughout the campaign. So what?"*
Yesterday they did the same thing. The exact same thing about Jared Kushner's security clearance. Kelly Anne Conway said today, "The President has the absolute right to grant clearance." That's true! Completely true. SO why did the president and the senior adviser lie about it at least nine times?*
Elijah Cummings said at the end of Cohen's hearing. "The deception is overwhelming The president has made at least 8017 false or misleading statements. That's stunning. That's not what we teach our children. I never taught mine that."
Yesterday Guiliani said the president didn't know about the Stormy Daniels payments. There is literally tape of him talking to Michael Cohen about it at the time.
It's just stunning
We have to deal with what Trump has given us, and he has surrounded himself with liars.*
He's a liar. His kids are liars. Everyone around him is a liar. The Trump campaign organization is full of on-the-record liars who have been indicted or pleaded guilty for lying.
President Trump does not get to defend himself by saying everyone around me is an unrepentant liar. Yes. That's the problem. And amoung this miasma of lies, we're the ones trying to figure out the facts. What did he do? What did the president do? What crimes has he possibly committed or not committed? What exactly happened with the Russians or didn't happen?*
I just want to know what the facts are, but we cannot know them because the President and everyone around him lie constantly. I would like it to be that there is one reliable person in Trump's organization, but there's not. And the thing is now, his organization is our government! Ours. Represents us!
Everyone who worked for the president, basically, is a liar. Paul Manafort is a liar. Rick Gates is a liar. George Papadopolous is a liar. Michael Flynn is a liar. Jared Kushner is a liar. Don Jr is a liar. Ivanka is a liar. Everyone of them is a liar. John Kelly got up and lied. Kirstjen Nielsen got up and lied. Mike Pompeo, lied. Sean Spicer lied publicly nearly every time he opened his mouth. Sarah Huckabee Sanders has done exactly the same thing. They all lied. They lie about big things and they lie about small things. They lie about consequential things and they lie about trivial nonsense and then when they get caught lying, they don't even admit it.
The best example is that Trump lied for years, about the Trump Tower Moscow deal, whether or not he was working on it during the campaign. His personal lawyer pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about it and then the President who lied about it over and over and over and over again comes out and he's like "Yeah. Yep. I wanted to build a tower and pursued it throughout the campaign. So what?"*
Yesterday they did the same thing. The exact same thing about Jared Kushner's security clearance. Kelly Anne Conway said today, "The President has the absolute right to grant clearance." That's true! Completely true. SO why did the president and the senior adviser lie about it at least nine times?*
Elijah Cummings said at the end of Cohen's hearing. "The deception is overwhelming The president has made at least 8017 false or misleading statements. That's stunning. That's not what we teach our children. I never taught mine that."
Yesterday Guiliani said the president didn't know about the Stormy Daniels payments. There is literally tape of him talking to Michael Cohen about it at the time.
It's just stunning