All they do is lie.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and President Obama told SOME lies. Not many.

So that's okay right you low IQ hypocritical moron?

Hillary and Obama are nearly 9000 lies short of President Trump, who has told more verified lies than any contemporary national level politician.

9,000 lies? STFU you clueless dumb fuck.

Trump is a constant liar.

Ironic coming from a pathological lying dumb fuck like you, don't you think?

He lies to himself. I don't think it is better to be a prolific liar.

There you go, lying again. You low IQ liberal dumb fucks can't seem to stop lying when it comes to Trump can you?

Lying is bad. Lying more is worse.

Being a lying moron like you even worse.
Does that make Trump a better liar than Hillary and Obama?

Are honestly that stupid? What did Hillary and Obama lie about? Then look at Trump's lies. He has turned lying into a personal industry. No president has ever lied as he does and none of them could have gotten away with it. You rightys threw out all the standards and methods we evaluate people on. Trump does these horrible things and you guys do not care. You would have driven previous presidents out of office for far less than Trump does as normal practice.
America has not changed. you have. You lost the ability to be honest and to question the president. Trump is lacking in so many ways. I bet you know that Trump is guilly of many crimes. you just do not care. When Trumps crookedness is shown, rightys say what about Hillary. What about Eisenhower. How about Nixon? Simple dishonest deflection. Talk about Daffy. once without doing that.
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Hey, dumb fuck; I get it. You're another triggered whiny lying leftist moron on steroids. You haven't posted ONE thing that would convince me that YOU aren't a liar and Trump is.

Try again; this time, try to use some intelligence that is above room temperature okay? Moron.

That's because you are a low IQ dumb fuck. No surprise here snowflake.

139 IQ, thank you. But you don’t have to be intelligent to realize you’re a fucking troll and then you should suck my ass you piece of shit. Try doing a little research, or read the rest of the forms out here because it’s all been published many times.
The Repubs re not upset about Cohen lying. They are upset that he stopped. He left the team. Trump's admin" Lies are Us".