All Time Low: Dem Run Congress Approval Rating at New All Time Low of Only 11%

Did you get a gander at that list of "fun" activities that conservatives tend to gravitate toward when he was arguing that liberals are all chardonnay drenched opera-heads?
Funny, most of the elected officials tend to gravitate toward Chardonnay soaked parties regardless of party.

but heck. They can pretend they like NASCAR, just like Bush can pretend he goes shopping at the local supermarket... (What is that? A Scanner?!! How ingenious!)...
I wouldn't know as I don't participate in either, but, does this mean that you do in fact, line-dance?
Too late the burn is done.

And if you must know, I do a lot of dances, including Latin, Swing and Ballroom. As my wife and her younger sister grew up obsessed with dance (sister even runs a studio), so I pretty much had no choice but to learn a lot.
And I don't line dance, probably would try it though.
Too late the burn is done.

And if you must know, I do a lot of dances, including Latin, Swing and Ballroom. As my wife and her younger sister grew up obsessed with dance (sister even runs a studio), so I pretty much had no choice but to learn a lot.
And I don't line dance, probably would try it though.

The burn?

Ok that's cool, I like Latin dancing myself.
This only proves that the left holds democrats responsible for not doing what they've been elected to do. Unlike the right which held onto to the horror of Bush and the republican congress for as long as they could.

Are you say you hold them responsible by giving them low approval ratings?

Seems to me the way you hold a politician "responsible" (if you are not happy with them) is by voting them out.
Are you say you hold them responsible by giving them low approval ratings?

Seems to me the way you hold a politician "responsible" (if you are not happy with them) is by voting them out.

There are a variety of ways to express yourself politically. Voting someone out (which Bushies failed to do in '04) is one way.

Another is to answer "no, I do not approve" when someone calls you on the phone asking your opinion.

In the past few years, Bushies have shown a much greater proclivity for circling the wagons & failing to hold their side to accountability...
There are a variety of ways to express yourself politically. Voting someone out (which Bushies failed to do in '04) is one way.

Another is to answer "no, I do not approve" when someone calls you on the phone asking your opinion.

In the past few years, Bushies have shown a much greater proclivity for circling the wagons & failing to hold their side to accountability...

Bush has had some of the lowest rating Presidential ratings around. The Republican led Congress never had high numbers either. Seems that means they are holding them responsible.

There are a variety of ways to express yourself politically. Voting someone out (which Bushies failed to do in '04) is one way.

Another is to answer "no, I do not approve" when someone calls you on the phone asking your opinion.

In the past few years, Bushies have shown a much greater proclivity for circling the wagons & failing to hold their side to accountability...[/QUOTE]

Like you have a clue as to what accountability means..try again!:pke:
Bush has had some of the lowest rating Presidential ratings around. The Republican led Congress never had high numbers either. Seems that means they are holding them responsible.

BS. Republican support held up for him for years, years after Independent support cratered.

It was inside of the polls, don't tell me you never read about that little tidbit.
It's interesting to note that Dems are trying to paint the 2004 election as being solely about the Iraq war. From my debating days then, I remember having almost as many debates over shit like outsourcing.
Their big fearmongering issue then pretty much went nowhere and a big reason is because Bush never went ahead putting in protectionist BS like Kerry wanted to do.
I anticipate repeating this charade every time one of these polls come out until the Democrats actually do something about Iraq or the media reports that the Republicans continue to obstruct any measure that comes remotely close to tying the President's hands in any conceivable way. I won't hold my breath on the latter.

For the previous charade see below. The title of that thread is "Dem Run Congress Matches Historic Low: 18% Approval Rating" was started by Dano and contains pretty much the same responses above:
I think Democrats, Republicans, and Independents hate who's in office. There's little they could do about it, though, even if an election were tommorrow, because of the two-party system.
It's interesting to note that Dems are trying to paint the 2004 election as being solely about the Iraq war. From my debating days then, I remember having almost as many debates over shit like outsourcing.
Their big fearmongering issue then pretty much went nowhere and a big reason is because Bush never went ahead putting in protectionist BS like Kerry wanted to do.

So because you were debating issues like outsourcing the election must have been about outsourcing and nevermind the exit polls showing that by a large margin the most important issue to voters was Iraq and Terrorism? OK. Whatever you say, Dano.
So because you were debating issues like outsourcing the election must have been about outsourcing and nevermind the exit polls showing that by a large margin the most important issue to voters was Iraq and Terrorism? OK. Whatever you say, Dano.

An old person he knows was also very concerned about outsourcing, in between telling him he wishes he had no health insurance and emergency rooms weren't required to treat him and just let him die on the doorstep when he had a heart attack and shipped his body to potter's field, like in the good old it's not just his opinion. I mean, he's got some back up here. I think there's something there.