"allahu akbar" is a media lie

update: the u.s. isamicization is right on schedule free of encumbrance, hindrance, resistance or contempt from the people and lawful action from the sworn defenders of freedom and the american way of life. ....... http://www.unitedjerusalem.org/index2.asp?id=1983002. damned be barack, his supporters, the false prophet [damned forever] and "allah" is no god at all; it is Lucifer in disguise and Lucifer is "satan" [the adversary] of the living and free.
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I can only speak for myself. it is obvious that many people have submitted to allah in fear. I reckon that "political correctness" is nothing more than submission to any demand by any group or group engaged in some cause or movement. I am just not wired for political correctness, therefore I am not wired for submission, in fear, to any illogical ideaology, religion, movement or entity usurping authority over me. if the islamists believe that fear is gripping my heart over their murders and the advancement of the caliphate by barack and the damned; they are fools. "allah" is no god at all. there is no similarity of the true G=d, YHWH and "allah"; in fact, they are polar opposites. it is being revealed more and more and more every day who "allah" is, and therefore, it is becoming more difficult for the liars/ damned to perpetuate their lie; and for the cowards to hide behind their political correctness. every one will face the choice : allah or Jesus. every person has a 50/50 chance of getting it right. don't be a loser because of the media lie, political correctness and cowardice.......http://www.unitedjerusalem.org/index2.asp?id=1985020