
That's a shame, especially for city based Americans.

They have become popular amongst the middle classes in Britain, partly down to campaigns for healthier living by several celebrity chefs and scandals about the state of intensive farming.

A friend and myself have recently taken one. It is bliss, little oasis in an urban jungle and if you do a sedentary job like mine it is good to do some physical labour.
My present job is sedentary too. That's why I bought a bicycle and commute to work on it. Nothing like dodging traffic to avoid becoming a hood ornament to keep a bloke in shape, ehh?

I live in a condo and I have a patch of ground surrounding it intended for the tenets to grow flower gardens. I'm the only tenet that grows a victory garden. It's amazing how much you can grown in about 50 sq. ft. of land. I grew about 10 tomato plants (among other things) and ended up putting up about 2 dozen pint jars of diced tomatos and salsa.
That's a shame, especially for city based Americans.

They have become popular amongst the middle classes in Britain, partly down to campaigns for healthier living by several celebrity chefs and scandals about the state of intensive farming.

A friend and myself have recently taken one. It is bliss, little oasis in an urban jungle and if you do a sedentary job like mine it is good to do some physical labour.

There is nothing like tending to the land. Its reawakens the soul and gives you that good ache when you lay down at night to sleep.

I love to sit in my garden and quietly dream up and plan the next project. I have one house that has soil like heaven and nice sized glacially deposited boulders. When I dig in this soil I always find a beautiful boulder to add to the collection. I use them to decorate the paths and beds. Its like finding gold when you dig and then wieghtlifting to move and position them.

A garden and a dog to play at your side while you garden. That is my heaven.
Land should not be a commodity to be bought and sold.

Watermark = Successfully Baited.

Nice job, dumbass. What are you going to do next?

I was walking my sister's Burner tonight and went like five blocks before we found a patch of grass. There were some bushes that we passed but no grass until we got to a big park. I don't even know where one would find 50 feet around here to vegitate.
Michigan is noted for lots of agriculture. And historically Detroit is a very large area, a lot is already farmable without any sort of tear down required.

But somethings are still up and running well. The Rouge is still very active, as are our oil refineries. There is still some life here.

dishonest response.....that which exists in Detroit is not "life", it is merely survival......if you want life you need to go to the west side of the state....