Alternative World History


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I am a documentary film maker and I believe that modern day accepted version of history is faith based nonsense religion. It is very hard to almost impossible to predict what happened long ago in the past even as late as a few decades ago historical accounts are mostly assumptions and wild guesses. To further illustrate my point I made a documentary about world war II that shows it through an alternative lens yet remains as accurate as any other modern day counter part even though the accounts are radically different. For all we know History played out completely differently then we realize and in all likely hood it did.

I am a documentary film maker and I believe that modern day accepted version of history is faith based nonsense religion. It is very hard to almost impossible to predict what happened long ago in the past even as late as a few decades ago historical accounts are mostly assumptions and wild guesses. To further illustrate my point I made a documentary about world war II that shows it through an alternative lens yet remains as accurate as any other modern day counter part even though the accounts are radically different. For all we know History played out completely differently then we realize and in all likely hood it did.

Another x minutes of my life I can never get back.
You are not smarter than a 5th grader.
The problem with history is that most people don't study it. Believe pretty much anything as long as it is spun in a patriotic light or appeals to their partisan interests. In addition folks tend to view history anachronistically which is improper.

Now it is true historical events can be seen from different points of view but they are not entitled to their own point of view of the facts of historical events.
Think about it do you think the official take on any historical event isnt filled with lies and bias? So that leaves the question what is the real history right? I am trying to completely forget the official story and to reach my own conclusion from scratch so thats what I attempted here.
Think about it do you think the official take on any historical event isnt filled with lies and bias? So that leaves the question what is the real history right? I am trying to completely forget the official story and to reach my own conclusion from scratch so thats what I attempted here.

Reach your own conclusion then, forget reality, but don't try to pass off supposition as reality or a probable conclusion.
How do you think Historians do it they reach their own conclusions. I am simply doing the same do you actually have an argument to any of the many points of my work?
How do you think Historians do it they reach their own conclusions. I am simply doing the same do you actually have an argument to any of the many points of my work?

Historians may reach different conclusions based on reality. Experts do that. True historians don't reach conclusions based on events they concoct.
Yeah history is man made retrospect propaganda thats why I want to rewrite it

Give me one HUGE written part of history, that you feel is retrospective propaganda and you feel needs a rewrite?
Since you also started a thread about WWII, let's start there.

<this should be good>
I am a documentary film maker and I believe that modern day accepted version of history is faith based nonsense religion. It is very hard to almost impossible to predict what happened long ago in the past even as late as a few decades ago historical accounts are mostly assumptions and wild guesses. To further illustrate my point I made a documentary about world war II that shows it through an alternative lens yet remains as accurate as any other modern day counter part even though the accounts are radically different. For all we know History played out completely differently then we realize and in all likely hood it did.

I research but a lot of it is guess work and assumption. Such is the Nature of History.

Such is the basis of most research but the proof is in the pudding. Anyone can make guesses but those must lead you to facts, data and evidence that can be verified independently by others. Then when you do that you need to validate the premises your assumption are based on cause if those are wrong so are your assumptions and then your work becomes just another opinion that means pretty much exactly squat.
Historians may reach different conclusions based on reality. Experts do that. True historians don't reach conclusions based on events they concoct.
True. Drawing conclusions then filling in the blanks to rationalize your conclusion isn't research. It's mental masturbation.
Give me one HUGE written part of history, that you feel is retrospective propaganda and you feel needs a rewrite?
Since you also started a thread about WWII, let's start there.

<this should be good>

Yeah lets start there my film lays our my alternative story to wwii