Am I crazy?


OK peanut gallery...I know I left myself open to the roasting but~~~

My second oldest is turning 21 this month. For the last 3 years she has been saying "I want to do a tandem jump for my 21st B-day".

Due to her schooling and this suck0-ass economy she has been working hard just to make ends meet. (50% unemployment for her age group here) I just secretly bought her a jump...

I can't believe I am paying to have her do such a risky thing~~~:eek3:
It's not as risky as you might think. Especially if it's a 'tandem' jump, with someone who knows what they're doing. It's on par with a bungee jump, as far as risk goes. That will be awesome for her, make sure to video it!!
no you're not crazy, that's awesome. you get grind points for that one

She's definitely the more adventurous of my kids...

We'll be at the airport cheering her on...but I'll likely be on my 3rd stohli-over by the time she actually jumps...

thanks for the points.
It's not as risky as you might think. Especially if it's a 'tandem' jump, with someone who knows what they're doing. It's on par with a bungee jump, as far as risk goes. That will be awesome for her, make sure to video it!!

The outfit, Kapowsin, is considered one of the best in the country. Totally getting the video and photo add on.

Still, a mom's natural fears and all :)
The outfit, Kapowsin, is considered one of the best in the country. Totally getting the video and photo add on.

Still, a mom's natural fears and all :)

I know what you mean. I got my 18 year old a GPS, suddenly, she thinks she is Meriwether Lewis! She has been through 10 states this summer, and planning a trip to Colorado with her cousin this fall. I worry to death about her traveling, out there on the road, being she is all of 96 lbs, soaking wet. Still, you gotta let them grow up, I suppose.
I know what you mean. I got my 18 year old a GPS, suddenly, she thinks she is Meriwether Lewis! She has been through 10 states this summer, and planning a trip to Colorado with her cousin this fall. I worry to death about her traveling, out there on the road, being she is all of 96 lbs, soaking wet. Still, you gotta let them grow up, I suppose.

The risks my daughters take are more nerve racking then when my son takes them...guess that makes me sexist :cool:
The risks my daughters take are more nerve racking then when my son takes them...guess that makes me sexist :cool:

Are you male or female? I definitely feel the same way with my nieces as opposed to my nephews. I was worried about having daughters as I knew I would worry much more about them. Maybe God didn't want me to as I have only a son.
OK peanut gallery...I know I left myself open to the roasting but~~~

My second oldest is turning 21 this month. For the last 3 years she has been saying "I want to do a tandem jump for my 21st B-day".

Due to her schooling and this suck0-ass economy she has been working hard just to make ends meet. (50% unemployment for her age group here) I just secretly bought her a jump...

I can't believe I am paying to have her do such a risky thing~~~:eek3:
Ask Tom P. He did that for his son on his B-day and forwarded me the video. The look of fear on his sons face when he went out the door was hilarious!
Ask Tom P. He did that for his son on his B-day and forwarded me the video. The look of fear on his sons face when he went out the door was hilarious!

I'm praying for good weather~~~

She began talking about this on her 18th... I put her off, but after 3 years and this being a milestone of b-days for her age group, my fears gave way to my desire to encourage her in her dreams.

I know I'll be looking forward to the video! Maybe with her permission I'll share :)
OK peanut gallery...I know I left myself open to the roasting but~~~

My second oldest is turning 21 this month. For the last 3 years she has been saying "I want to do a tandem jump for my 21st B-day".

Due to her schooling and this suck0-ass economy she has been working hard just to make ends meet. (50% unemployment for her age group here) I just secretly bought her a jump...

I can't believe I am paying to have her do such a risky thing~~~:eek3:


"You may be interested in finding high risk life insurance companies if you have a condition that has previously been uninsurable or you happen to work in or participate in hazardous activities...........if you engage in things like scuba diving, racing cars, mountain or rock climbing, or piloting an airplane, you are really going to be paying high cost premiums.

The insurance companies that specialize in high risk coverage include CNA, Mutual of Omaha, and Guarantee Trust Life Company. These companies will insure you when you cannot find coverage anywhere else."
I'm praying for good weather~~~

She began talking about this on her 18th... I put her off, but after 3 years and this being a milestone of b-days for her age group, my fears gave way to my desire to encourage her in her dreams.

I know I'll be looking forward to the video! Maybe with her permission I'll share :)
You could give her what my father gave me for my 18th birthday. A handshake and a copy of my insurance policy along with the bill.
OK peanut gallery...I know I left myself open to the roasting but~~~

My second oldest is turning 21 this month. For the last 3 years she has been saying "I want to do a tandem jump for my 21st B-day".

Due to her schooling and this suck0-ass economy she has been working hard just to make ends meet. (50% unemployment for her age group here) I just secretly bought her a jump...

I can't believe I am paying to have her do such a risky thing~~~:eek3:

I arranged a tandem jump for my youngest son on his sixteenth birthday last year. He loved it but he was pretty scared beforehand.

[ame=""]YouTube- Joshua takes the plunge[/ame]
His face jumping out of the plane is PRICELESS!!!!!

Thanks for sharing~

He is glad that he did it but I don't think he wants to repeat the experience any time soon. There was a French sky diver there, on that day, who lost both of his legs below knee level who was just amazing. It makes you feel humble when you see people like that.
He is glad that he did it but I don't think he wants to repeat the experience any time soon. There was a French sky diver there, on that day, who lost both of his legs below knee level who was just amazing. It makes you feel humble when you see people like that.

Did he lose his legs skydiving or some other kind of accident?

This daughter would never play "darkness" when she was a kid. She'd sit in the kitchen with candles burning while the rest of the family hid and scared each other...but she is the first one to do these kinds of things; repelling; white water rafting and now skydiving etc. Different adrenaline strokes for different folks I guess :)