Am I crazy?

I hesitated before posting this but decided to anyway, this happened at the same airfield where my son had his skydive. I will hasten to add that these accidents are very rare.

I should point out another thing. The guy who filmed the event put a music soundtrack on, that YouTube said was copyrighted. This meant that the original version was without sound. I then had to pay more for another version without a copyright violation. I suspect that they do that deliberately to make more money.
I should point out another thing. The guy who filmed the event put a music soundtrack on, that YouTube said was copyrighted. This meant that the original version was without sound. I then had to pay more for another version without a copyright violation. I suspect that they do that deliberately to make more money.

Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to ask.

No worry about the fatality story. I had already done a stats check...still Tom, way to rain on my worry~

Most fatalities happen to experienced divers who are doing tricks of some kind and end up landing hard...did not see one tandem fatality in the stats for this past year. Found only 3 over the past few years :)
The risks my daughters take are more nerve racking then when my son takes them...guess that makes me sexist :cool:

No, that makes you a realist. Parents always worry about their daughters more. Its the difference in the way the world looks at a young woman versus the way it looks at a young man.

Kudos for your gift. That is very cool. Just try not to think about the fact you paid for your daughter to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.
No, that makes you a realist. Parents always worry about their daughters more. Its the difference in the way the world looks at a young woman versus the way it looks at a young man.

Kudos for your gift. That is very cool. Just try not to think about the fact you paid for your daughter to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.

I personally wouldn't promote (pay for) such a thing for my daughters.

But that's just me.

Good Luck!
Thanks for the tip, I'll be sure to ask.

No worry about the fatality story. I had already done a stats check...still Tom, way to rain on my worry~

Most fatalities happen to experienced divers who are doing tricks of some kind and end up landing hard...did not see one tandem fatality in the stats for this past year. Found only 3 over the past few years :)

Agreed, tandem jumping is very safe. The guy that my son went with had done over 2500 jumps so he certainly knew his stuff.