Amazing 737 landing on a New Orleans levee

It is human nature. He was only distracted for a moment but it was his bad luck that moment included a flock of geese on an intercept course. Not just that, but a flock so large it took out both engines. That's very rare indeed.

It only takes seconds which is why it takes constant vigilance at critical stages of flight. If he was climbing out at 180 knots, that's 3 nautical miles/minute or a mile every 20 seconds. It would be difficult to spot a flock of geese at a mile, depending upon lighting and angle. He would have to be looking straight ahead, spot them then react, which takes a second or two on its own. Bad luck coupled with high speeds and a momentary distraction is all it took.

FWIW, the First Officer was flying and would have been looking down at his instruments to maintain proper heading and climb speed.

Ever seen the movie "Fearless"? What did you think of it?

The saddest part was about that woman thinking she could keep her baby safe by holding on the baby.
The military have radar to detect birds, but not on civilian airplanes apparently at least in 2009 anyway.

Radar can spot large flocks but can't tell their altitude. The ATIS for airports with birds around often mention that fact, but the LGA ATIS that day did not....but I bet it does now. :)

The NTSB report:
ATIS expressway visual runway three one approach in use.
depart runway four, bravo four hold line in use.
LaGuardia class bravo services available on
frequency one two six point zero five. all pilots read
back all hold short instructions and assigned
altitudes. advise on initial contact you have
information papa... LaGuardia airport information
papa. one nine five one zulu. winds three four zero at
one three, visibility one zero. ceiling three thousand
five hundred broken. temperature minus six
dewpoint minus one four. altimeter three zero two
three. remarks A O two sea level pressure two three
four. [ATIS repeats on ch2 until time 15:02:44.]
Ever seen the movie "Fearless"? What did you think of it?

The saddest part was about that woman thinking she could keep her baby safe by holding on the baby.

One of my favorites for many reasons. It's loosely based on the United Airlines Flight 232 Sioux City crash.

I've met Captain Al Haynes too. A hero of mine who passed a little over a year ago. Funny, friendly and proved himself to be truly cool in a very stressful situation.

Agreed about the physics in the movie. How Jeff Bridges proved that fact to Rosie Perez's character was awesome.

Something reporters often don't get, along with most Hollywood types, is that pilots are busy trying to save their own asses in such a situation. Flight 101 is Aviate, Navigate, Communicate AKA "Fly the fucking airplane". When reporters are mystified because "no distress signal was sent" it's not a mystery to a pilot; the pilots of the aircraft were too busy flying to talk on the radio. That is shown in the movie when Bridges moves to the boy's seat and the pilots in the cockpit are seen struggling with the aircraft. Overall, the flying aspect of "Fearless" was well done. Another movie, "Flight", was based on bullshit even though I liked the movie.

Another one I see in the papers is "the pilot gave his own life to avoid hitting a school". No shit. Hitting a fucking school is certain death, no sane pilot wants that to happen. Of course he/she is going to try to miss it.
I have shown nothing but kindness to APL, and then he responded by being his usual dick self....always fucking around....never honest.

I have taken offense as is my right.

Dude, get a grip. He was talking about a movie. Specifically these two characters:

Yes, as you probably are, Max (Jeff Bridges) is drunk. The woman lost her baby in the plane crash. It's a main plot point of the movie. How Max helps Carla (Rosie Perez) get over her guilt is unique, to say the least.