
Being grateful is the antidote to the Evils of our day, as I say over and over and over again.

Stone has a reading comprehension problem.
Stone reminds me of cake that has about 40% too much sugar.

Attempts to be sweet but gets old very fast.

Let's all do better MKay?


Sometimes you are really an idiot. Actually,...quite a bit of the time. Is anyone in here actually smart enuff to know that of course I OF ALL PEOPLE dont follow some old dyke tennis players tweets, or ANYONES tweets,...In fact I dont twitter AT ALL. I actually just happened to see the picture on another website and posted the link. Didnt even look to see who tweeted it because quite frankly I didnt give a shit. I thought it was a nice set of pictures with a nice background story. And Hawkeye, patience is about at an end with you. Soon I will give you exactly what you have been pushing for and you wont end up liking it. I have taken pity on your drugged drunk ass but my inherent goodness only goes so far. You suck ratfaced little chink dick and love to play the America is no more game. You are another Tokyo Rose, nothing more. In fact,.....I dont think you are even American. I have seen you post things that any American male would know better than to post,....but you didnt. Hmmmmmmmmmm.....