America committed the worst terrorist acts in world history

I don't think you understand what 'collateral damage' is, or why it occurs in all warfare. Bombing in WW2 wasn't nearly as capable of the almost surgical accuracy of today's equipment.

Depends on your definition of capable.

The bombing in WW2 won us the war.

We lost the war in Vietnam and Afghanistan.

Might want to rethink that view.
The big problem with Blitzkrieg ('lightning war') is that it easily expends your resources. After the initial (and very effective) punch, what then?
Of course, beating the French isn't exactly difficult.

It was successful every time it was used by the Nazi's.

The fact that sometimes they didn't follow up with the success isn't the fault of the tactic.
Before you go into a mindless "Then how come there is northwest, and a southeast, and a west-by-northwest?" diversion, because you have no English comprehension, go back and read the context, and then consider going back to school and getting that education you never received because your parents never loved you and left you to the gutter rats to teach you about the world. Then you should get some heavy narcotics and go on another drug-induced, truth-searching sabbatical in the Gobi desert where you can study how the wind blows dust, and you can add as much value there as you add here.

Terry, I'll send your male nurse, Spanky, over to give you a sponge bath.

Lemme guess, Sybil, you were at least a B+ student in HS and the first year or two of college before your "sickness" began affecting your studies and chosen career. You dropped out and now work in a far lesser position because you can't "focus".

Is that close, Sybil? How far off am I?
There is no treatment available for you, Dutch/Sybil. Talking to yourself won't help you either.
There's treatment available for everyone, Sybil. It's either willingness to accept the treatment or continue to suffer due to a lack of effective treatment. Usually something in between. We can do better as a nation, but too many people don't give a shit.

Do you talk with your friends offline, Sybil?
There's treatment available for everyone, Sybil. It's either willingness to accept the treatment or continue to suffer due to a lack of effective treatment. Usually something in between. We can do better as a nation, but too many people don't give a shit.

Do you talk with your friends offline, Sybil?

No matter how much you talk to yourself, Dutch/Sybil, there is no effective treatment for your condition.
It was not, as marked by the loss by the Nazis.

It can only be used once. That's the problem. That IS the fault of the tactic.

They never needed to use it more than once in one confrontation.

They did use it in multiple countries however.

It is still employed today as was evidenced with our war in Iraq.

However since war has now changed to gorilla tactics it's fairly obsolete.
They surrendered because we bombed their factories.

...and Killed their troops in the field then pushed the German lines back from Normandy, France to Berlin, Germany in less than a year. Hitler committed suicide with the Red Army approaching over his bunker and the Americans from the opposite side.

Did you order your "degree" out of a history comic book, Tink? I was mainly a DC fan as a kid but I also enjoyed Classics Illustrated.
And I say this as someone who loves America.

But I don't love parts of our history.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki are a shameful chapter in our history. No one should ever try to justify these horrific acts by arguing how many might have died in a land war, or using other justifications.

Civilians are never to be targeted in war. Never. Never. Never.

Boorish, uneducated halfwit doesn't know the definition of terrorist. :palm:

The shameful chapter was when Japan and Germany started a global war dumbass. Dropping those bombs saved perhaps millions of lives on BOTH sides. If you weren't such an uneducated, indoctrinated moron, you would know that.
And I say this as someone who loves America.

But I don't love parts of our history.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki are a shameful chapter in our history. No one should ever try to justify these horrific acts by arguing how many might have died in a land war, or using other justifications.

Civilians are never to be targeted in war. Never. Never. Never.

War is war. No morals apply.

:lolup: Dumbest and dumbfuck in an echo chamber of blissful ignorance and stupidity. :laugh:
I have never understood the position that in order to love America, you must not criticize America.

You can criticize it all you want halfwit. But when you make asinine statements like that, you're going to get called on it. Man up and stop your insipid whining.

America is a flawed nation, with a flawed history. Who would argue that?

STRAWMAN ALERT!! Who said we were perfect? NO ONE. But name a nation without flaws shit-for-brains. Ours has fewer than most and we didn't start two global wars like those darn Europeans and Japanese.

Like the dumbest fucker on the planet this one.
They never needed to use it more than once in one confrontation.
Yes they did. It's why the Nazi's lost that war.
They did use it in multiple countries however.
At the same time. As the initial advance. Once expended, they could not keep up the battle. It's why they lost.
It is still employed today as was evidenced with our war in Iraq.
Not used in Iraq...and no Nazis were in Iraq either.
However since war has now changed to gorilla tactics it's fairly obsolete.
Few people use gorillas in war. They are wayward and difficult to control and direct. They are also hard to obtain in any great numbers. I know of no nation using gorilla tactics.
They surrendered because we bombed their factories.

No. They surrendered because Hitler shot himself as Berlin was being captured by Russian forces.

While the United States certainly contributed to the 'daily mail', it was Britain, not us, that destroyed most of the German factories. Most of them were destroyed in a single raid by British planes. They even made a movie about that raid (very popular in Britain!) and how that special bomb was developed.
Would you be in favor of using nukes against civilians again if it ended a war more quickly?

STRAWMAN ALERT!!! Are you in favor of sacrificing millions of lives instead?

I just believe the U.S. needs to stand for something greater. How can we claim any kind of moral superiority when we've done one of the most immoral things a nation can do?

Ironic from an uneducated halfwit that voted for and supports this President who is destroying our nation and its institutions for political gain.

Dumbest Fucker on the thread.
What a spirited defense of vaporizing innocent human beings.


I bet some of the posters here are the most adamant "pro lifers" on the abortion threads.