APP - America in Decline?

Thanks for answering but I get no satisfaction out of America's working class decline. America, for the top twenty percent (?), is doing well, it is the working class and working poor who are having trouble living the American dream. Add the needy to that list. Why is that? Lots of reasons, some are their own fault as they made poor life choices, but government policies and especially corporate outsourcing hurts too. When my great grand parents worked it was nearby, even our grandparents had work in corporations that had positive work policies and often strong unions. All that is changing or has gone forever. One reason Trump was successful is because many felt he really meant Americans first in more than simply candidate BS talk.

I'd hardly call America a Godless wasteland, churches are everywhere. And you know what, the most religious people I know are often liberal. But I'm sure many neo-Nazis and white supremacists are religious in their way. As a member of the top twenty I could be easily unfazed, but Made in America by fairly paid Americans would excite me.

I hear many complain that AMerica is godless, everyone is doing this or that...........

Really they are to blame.. IT's their own fault........ Instead of acting/being like Jesus, they are like the Pharisees...... Putting burdens on mens backs they are unwilling to carry.....

What they lack in love they more than make up in legalism, & what they lack in their CHristianity they hope to make up for in the republicanism.......

Most are much more asshole & republican than CHristian, hell, if they didn't announce they were, would anyone even know??
Who would have thought people would write about leaving America?

Leftist liars and losers say things like this all the time. I wish they weren't such sociopathic liars and would actually do what they say the will and actually leave. The nation will be better for it.

"It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it." George Carlin

Why didn't he leave?
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How do you square that with the Muslim ban? Islam is a major religion too.

Still promoting this moronic lie I see; there was no "Muslim" ban.

More evidence of the sociopathic lying the left is willing to engage in. Its almost as bad as their desire to build massive straw man claims.
Truth Detector, are you a troll? Your constant posting over and over again is the sign of a troll. Try to answer the question in a logical consistent single response. Mudding the water is a sign of insincerity and an attempt to extinguish debate. I realize you have fascist tendencies but try to stay on point. Thanks.

For the serious reader see

The book outlines the tactics the reactionaries use to delay progress.
Truth Detector, are you a troll? Your constant posting over and over again is the sign of a troll.

No I am not; but it is obvious you are. You love trolling the forum with your banal false narratives and strawman claims.

Try to answer the question in a logical consistent single response. Mudding the water is a sign of insincerity and an attempt to extinguish debate.

Your misplaced condescension suggests that you lack the self awareness to know that far form being an intellectual, you sound more like a leftist lemming mindlessly parroting the talking points you've gullibly been fed.

I realize you have fascist tendencies but try to stay on point. Thanks.

Another moronic claim; so be specific, how do I have "fascist" tendencies? This is more proof you lack the intelligence to comprehend the talking points you bloviate.

It is also ironic in that your ideology requires a Fascist like mentality where all must be forced into conformity and where religion plays little or no part at all in society.
Truth Detector, are you a troll? Your constant posting over and over again is the sign of a troll. Try to answer the question in a logical consistent single response. Mudding the water is a sign of insincerity and an attempt to extinguish debate. I realize you have fascist tendencies but try to stay on point. Thanks.

For the serious reader see

The book outlines the tactics the reactionaries use to delay progress.
Why even bother to ask it?? :dunno:
Who would have thought people would write about leaving America? If America ever collapses the rich will simply leave, many have homes overseas. Others move because they love Paris or Costa Rica, weather too can influence people as they move to Florida but then find it too hot in Summer. Then there is the live and let live move, who needs the narrow minded religiosity of parts of America. Or a culture in which gun deaths are rampant. Or the poverty of so many places in which productive work has moved off shore. Our drug culture is another issue. Add pollution and even bad water, no universal healthcare. So while make America great sounds nice what does that even mean when our government today is run by corporate or religious ideologues. The right will wave a flag and tell you to leave, the left will remain America's Sisyphus. Thoughts?

The only people I know who write about leaving are rich liberals, mad as hell because Trump is president. Few, unfortunately, have done so. Apparently they like the money that they can make here, in a society that is tolerant of their views.

You listed why liberals such as yourself would want to leave. If America is so terrible for these stated reasons, why haven't you left?
America is not in decline, at least not according to demographic or economic data. What is happening is that the "American Century," a period of hegemony driven by the Great European Civil War (1914-1945) is coming to an end. This decline in global dominance began with the oil shocks of the 1970s. Every once-dominant European nation (Portugal, Spain, France, Holland, Britain) has undergone a similar transformation. Some have done a better job of making a soft landing than others. So far, the USA has been one of the less successful in making the necessary adaptations.
America is not in decline, at least not according to demographic or economic data. What is happening is that the "American Century," a period of hegemony driven by the Great European Civil War (1914-1945) is coming to an end. This decline in global dominance began with the oil shocks of the 1970s. Every once-dominant European nation (Portugal, Spain, France, Holland, Britain) has undergone a similar transformation. Some have done a better job of making a soft landing than others. So far, the USA has been one of the less successful in making the necessary adaptations.
What adaptations would you suggest the country make now??
What adaptations would you suggest the country make now??
When you come right down to it, that ^^^ is the central question of all our political debate. We have two schools of thought -- R&D or Left&Right or liberal&conservative, the issue is the same. There are two main tools which we Americans have to bring our country to a soft landing in the new global economy and power distribution: regulation and market. Although there are extreme groups -- socialists and libertarians -- who want just one tool to be used, everybody else and all our peer nations understand that a changing, smart blend of government programs and private enterprise is what the formula must be. The exact formula, however, is a real brain buster and has to be tweaked almost constantly as conditions change.

Alas, at the moment, our dialogue is dominated by cries of "I'm right and you're wrong!" from both extremes, leaving the common-sense majority with little to contribute except for WTF. A crude measure of the formula is the percent of GDP directly controlled by the government. The highest (i.e. the most socialized) is probably Denmark, which is somewhere in the mid-forties. The USA is about the lowest, being in the mid-thirties. It seems like a small difference and the fact that all the advanced nations, with their different economies and populations, are in between is evidence for the reality that 100% socialism won't work economically and 100% free-market won't work socially. I'm sorry I can't give you more specifics in a single post but, as Trump once said, nobody knew it was going to be so complicated!